Page 90 of Code of Courage


“As long as I’m not suspended or fired,” Danni said to Marrs, “what say we try to interview Derek Ellis?”

“Set up another appointment?”

“Nope, let’s just go to the newspaper office and surprise him. It will work better than giving him a chance to prepare.”

“Let’s go.”

The Tribune offices were in the area covered by the east substation. This was the part of the city where the riot damage had been the worst.

“Funny, all this destruction and the Tribune offices have been untouched,” Marrs said as Danni pulled into the parking lot. “Poor Marris. He had his whole building burned down.”

“Sad. His office is in my neighborhood,” Danni said.

“Yep, they tried to put Marris out of business, but he’s still putting issues out online. I print a lot of them out. I like his writing, his storytelling.”

“I do too.”

“He’s staying current for the most part. Today he published quite a piece on Ira HoffmanSr., says all corruption is rooted in him.”

“Senior, not Junior?” Danni found a spot, jammed the car into park, and turned off the ignition.

“Oh yeah. Joel really believes Senior is a huge problem for the city.”

Danni considered this information as they walked into the newspaper office. She’d never cared for Hoffman or the Tribune because it was always anti-police. But Hoffman’s Internet business was LaRosa’s largest employer. He was good for LaRosa, wasn’t he?

The receptionist looked up and smiled when they entered. “Welcome to the Tribune. How can I help you?”

Marrs and Danni showed her their badges. “We’re here to see Derek Ellis,” Marrs told her.

“Do you have an appointment?”

“No, but it’s important we talk to Mr. Ellis.”

Her smile faltered. “I’m sorry, but Mr. Ellis is very busy. He doesn’t take walk-ins.”

“We’re not here for a haircut,” Danni said. “We’re here to interview him about a murder. We had an appointment he canceled. So call him, tell him we’re here, or you will have our company here in the lobby for the rest of the day.”

Clearly not certain what to do, the receptionist stuttered for a moment.

“Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree—bullying just like your father.”

Danni turned to see Derek Ellis sneering at her from the hallway.

“I’m trying to solve a murder, Derek. If you were as community-minded as you claimed, you’d be eager to help in that regard.”

“Huh. It was a cop who did the murder. He’s been fired; now he needs to be prosecuted. You’re trying to find someone innocent to frame for the crime. Innocent people always pay when the police are wrong.”

“Come on, Derek. You’re too smart for that. Ramos didn’t kill Thomas. You being deliberately obtuse about it is only shielding the real killer.”

“So you say. Why are you asking me about it anyway? I was nowhere near Barton Plaza when Tommy was murdered.”

“You were Thomas’s friend and confidant. You egged him on, supported him. You’re in a position to know who had a reason to kill him.”

“Only people had a beef with Tommy were cops.” He folded his arms, jaw set.

Danni decided to try a different tack. “Why did Thomas put cameras in the alley? What was he watching for?” Her questions were a bit of a bluff because she really didn’t know who put the cameras up.