“So what do you think, Foxy?” Matt asked as he climbed into the back of Gabe’s truck. “You think White will get her way and we can kiss the PD goodbye?”
Gabe started the engine. “A month ago, I would have said it was impossible. Now I have no good guess.” The station was on the way to the ER, so he’d be dropping Danni off first.
“I choose to stay optimistic.” Danni reclined a bit in the passenger seat. She yawned. “So what was your unrelated cold case about, Gabe?”
“Something Natasha found.” He explained about the accident. He gave a Reader’s Digest version and just finished by the time he pulled up next to her car.
“You’re kidding.”
Gabe chuckled. “No, strange deal, huh?”
“Yeah. I almost wish this was my case and not this shooting.”
She opened the car door and then stopped, turning back toward him. “Can I release the evidence we have to you? I just want to get home.”
“Sure. I can take it directly to the county lab.”
“Thanks. We’d skip the step of having the PD send it up there. Though I’m not hopeful we’ll get anything useful off it, I want to give it the best shot and get it looked at as soon as possible.”
Gabe turned to Matt in the back seat. “There’s a bag next to you in the back, Matt. Pull out a clean evidence bag and we’ll sign the chain of evidence.”
Matt handed him the bag and Gabe filled it out. Danni put the melted, seared bag with the gun into the evidence bag and signed it over to Gabe. Chain of evidence was very important if they ever got to court.
“Thanks, Gabe,” Danni said.
“Call me if you need to talk,” he said.
She nodded and then turned to open her car door.
It broke Gabe’s heart to see her so defeated.