Page 76 of Code of Courage

“You spoke to Anson? He’s dying.”

“He is, but we talked briefly. I know he was the driver. I know Dace Greeley picked him up and told him to keep his mouth shut.”

“It seems as if you know it all. There isn’t any more I can tell you.”

“Not true. You were there. You don’t need to protect Aker anymore. I know Pope crossed the line and caused the accident, not Aker. Why was this accident buried away under the misconception that the driver of your car was responsible for the deaths of Pope’s family?”

“Can you prove Pope crossed the line?” His eyes narrowed as he studied Gabe.

“The pictures taken after the crash prove it. Full disclosure: I’m not submitting this case for prosecution. I simply want answers to all the questions I’ve found. I’m curious.”

Curtis gave a mirthless chuckle. “Haven’t you heard? Curiosity killed the cat.”

“Can you humor me?” Gabe was so close now, he felt it. He had to keep the man talking.

“I stopped drinking after the crash.” Curtis relaxed somewhat. “Not because I felt guilty, but because I couldn’t remember a thing. The car I was riding in was involved in ahorrificaccident, and I couldn’t remember a thing. It scaredme.”

“But you know something.” Gabe thought he heard glass break outside, but he kept his attention on Curtis.

The old man turned away and swelled his chest with a deep breath. He slowly exhaled. “What I know is hearsay. You need to talk to Elise White and Ira HoffmanSr.”

Gabe couldn’t hide his surprise. “White was twelve at the time of the accident. What could she know?”

“Only she can tell you.”

Gabe felt frustration build. What was with this case? “And Hoffman? Why would he want to hide the fact that he adopted Elise after the crash?”

Curtis hiked a shoulder.

“What was wrong with the car?”

“What?” Curtis leaned forward, clearly shocked by the question.

There was more noise from the courtyard. Gabe thought he heard someone yell, “Fire!”

Gabe stood and stepped toward the door. He pulled it open and saw smoke pouring from the window of Thomas Johnston’s apartment.

He turned back to Curtis. “There’s a fire, apartment 6. Call 911. I’m going to see if anyone is in there.”