Page 117 of Code of Courage


The paper the next morning nearly shattered Danni’s feeling of peace. “Rogue Cop Puts Mayor’s Son in Danger” was the headline.

The article went on to roast Danni for her warrantless entry into the tiny house. It also brought up Jess Ramos and the Johnston shooting.

We elected a city prosecutor whom we expect to hold police officers accountable. Where are the charges against Officer Ramos? Officer Grace also needs to be behind bars. No one in the city is safe from these armed criminals. Is it time for the federal government to step in?

The paper said the article was written by Tribune editorial staff. It had Derek Ellis all over it. Danni fought to tamp her anger down. She paced, then called Gomez.

“I’m surprised it took you so long to call.”

“We did everything by the book. Hoffman endangered the kid by trying to negotiate with the kidnappers on his own.”

“This story is bigger than the Tribune. Cable news outlets are starting to call, sniffing the story out. I think you’ll like the press release Chief Raven puts out. Try to relax. Officers involved in hit shootings are given three days off for a reason.”

Danni felt somewhat better after talking to Gomez. But she couldn’t relax.

She called Marrs next. “Any word on Croft’s condition?”

“Still stable. He’s going to be transferred to the county jail ward sometime today. You hit him twice but missed anything vital. Ponce was the first officer to talk to him. He asked for a lawyer right off.”

“Of course he did. He’s been around the block too many times. Did forensics get anything from the tiny house?”

“Moore’s prints were all over. And the homeless guy we talked to, Revo, he’s identified Moore from a photo lineup.”

“Leverage. Croft won’t want to take the full rap,” Danni said, thankful the team investigating the shooting was so competent.

“We’re working to build a case Madden can’t dismiss. We’d like to get a photo lineup over to Leonard White, but his mother says to wait.”

She would,Danni thought. “Thanks, Jay.”

“No need to thank me. Just doing my job. You did awesomelast night. Don’t let Hoffman or Ellis take that away from you.”

Danni disconnected and was about to call Gabe when her phone rang. It was her mother. Danni was happy to answer and talk to her.


Gabe woke up thinking about Jareb Moore and wondering why he’d snatch Leonard White of all people. How does a riot organizer graduate to kidnapper so quickly? Danni and Marrs had probably just missed him at the tiny house. Where had he gone? Had he already collected the ransom and split? Gabe couldn’t ponder the question long; he received a call from the prosecutor’s office. He was to report to internal affairs regarding his suspension. Having the order come so soon surprised him, but nonetheless he was prepared.

He got dressed and was on his way out the door when Heflin called.

“I need to talk to you about this cold case.”

“I can come to the station later.”

“Yeah. All of this is hearsay—it’s explosive, true—but unless we can find a direct witness, I don’t see anything actionable.”

“I thought so too. I think Gerald Curtis is the only one involved who is still alive. Well, Aker is barely alive. I’ll see if I can get them to talk to you. I’m sure they know more than they’re saying.”

“I hope you’re right. If Hoffman really is responsible for three deaths, he needs to be held accountable.”


Gabe had no butterflies, no nervousness at all as he sat down in internal affairs. His conscience was clean. He explained clearly and concisely why he was at Barton Plaza the other night.

“Your visit had nothing to do with the Ramos shooting?” the investigator asked.

“Nothing at all. I didn’t even know Detective Grace and Detective Shaver were there.”