“Where is the cop responsible for this?” HoffmanSr. pushed his way toward Danni and pointed his index finger at her. “You! How dare you risk my grandson’s life! You had no right to put him in such danger. I will see to it that not only are you fired, but you spend the rest of your life in prison.”
“Hang on.” Gabe could not stay quiet. “She just saved your grandson’s life.”
“I had things well in hand. There was no need for any macho cop posturing. Any problem in this world is better solved without having the police involved.”
He had things well in hand.It then dawned on Gabe why White hadn’t called the police. “You were going to pay a ransom?”
“I was going to solve the issue peacefully.”
Gabe couldn’t hold back. “You fool. The kidnappers weren’t wearing masks. If you think they were going to let your grandson go after he could identify them, you’re crazy.”
Hoffman went red with fury. Gabe saw the punch coming a mile away and stepped easily out of range. Junior caught his father before he fell.
“Hey, hey, enough.” Lieutenant Gomez came between them. “It’s time you all get out of my crime scene so we can finish our investigation.”
“I want him arrested.” Hoffman pointed at Gabe. “He assaulted me.”
“That’s not what I saw,” Gomez said. “Mayor White, I suggest you take your father home. Your son is safe, but it looks to me like everyone needs to go home and decompress.”
HoffmanSr. sputtered a bit, but between his son and his daughter, they got him to leave the scene.
“Thanks, Go-Go,” Gabe said.
“Thank you for not taking the bait and decking the guy.”
“Danni, you did amazing work here today,” Chief Raven said.
“We followed the evidence, Chief. I’m glad it turned out well for Leonard.”
“Go home, rest. You have three days off. If you need to speak to the psychologist, let me know.”
Marrs stepped forward. “The only good thing about firing your weapon on duty is you don’t have to file the paper. Get out of here, Danni.”
“I’m your ride home.” Gabe took Danni’s arm. “No argument.”
“I’m too tired to object to anything right now.”
“For once,” Gabe said as he led her to his truck.