Page 10 of Code of Courage


The next morning, Danni left LaRosa conflicted, comments from Gomez, her partner, Matt, and Grant Foster still ringing in her ears. She watched two in-flight movies and barely saw either one. It was agonizing. Was quitting the right move or not?

“You’ll figure things out, Danni. And you’ll be back”was what Gomez had said.

Matt had his own two cents. He hadn’t been happy with her when she told him her plans. “I don’t believe it. You’re just skipping out on the hard stuff.”

“I’m not skipping out on anything. I got a concussion dealing with the hard stuff.”

Grant Foster saw her in the parking lot and congratulated her. “Smart, Danni. Now is the time to try something else. You’re a bright girl—anything is possible.”

Danni sighed and took off her headphones as the pilot announced landing was imminent.

In Kona, a wave of heat hit her as she stepped off the plane. The sky was a brilliant blue and the air heavy with moisture. Danni followed the line of people off the plane and down the stairs, breathing deep, jolted by the feeling that this was the right decision, this was a place where she could heal and make a clearheaded choice.

As they wound around the tarmac to the gate and into the open-air terminal, Danni searched for her mother.

There she was, looking tan and fit, a radiant smile on her face. Danni felt a lump grow in her throat. Why did I wait almost three years? For the moment all she felt was joy at seeing her mother again. She put her bag down and threw herself into Mom’s arms. Maybe she was home after all.

Nicole Grace lived forty minutes north of the airport, in a private gated community called Mauna Lani Terrace. On the drive, Danni tried to listen as her mom chatted about how much she loved living on the island. However, she didn’t hear much. Fifteen minutes into the drive, she was sound asleep.


“What?” Danni jerked awake, disoriented for a moment. “Oh, Mom, sorry, did I fall asleep?” She yawned.

Her mother smiled. “Sound asleep. You haven’t been sleeping well at home, have you?”

“I never can sleep on planes.” She stretched, not wanting to talk to her mother about the nightmares.

“We’re home, and dinner is in the Crockpot. You can relax here.”

They talked about unimportant things as they ate. Her mother’s phone rang as they finished their meal.

“I have to take this call. I have three homes closing in the next two days, and there’s always an emergency somewhere.”

Her mom walked into her bedroom to answer the phone. Danni got up from the table. Her mother’s condo had a westward-facing lanai, so sunsets were spectacular. She wasn’t disappointed when she walked outside. The sun lowered, looking like a fiery ball falling into the ocean, the colors forming a beautiful mosaic. She thought it might be a good idea to go to the beach, but as she sat in one of the deck chairs, it was as if her energy fled. Putting her feet up on the railing, Danni relaxed.

A gentle breeze caressed her face as voices wafted up from below. Others were enjoying the sunset as well. Danni leaned back and closed her eyes. At this moment in time, quitting certainly seemed like the best choice. She could get used to this and part of her wanted to. It felt like she was in a safety cocoon, a place where she could stay, never lose control, and never have to face an angry mob ever again.