Page 33 of Code of Courage

Their footsteps headed off in the direction Danni had run.

She waited for a good long time before she left her hiding place. Pink was beginning to show in the sky, and she was sore from having stood so tense for so long in one position. She shone her light and saw blood everywhere. The guy was probably hurt as bad as he thought he was. She felt a little sorry for him and silently thanked the dog.

Now she tried to decide the best way home. It was not back the way she came. The next exit to the street from the path was to Grover Street. It would be a long walk back to her car from there but doable. And she wanted to hurry before it was fully light.

She began to jog, but just before she reached the exit, she saw the dog, limping and whimpering, obviously hurt badly. Danni couldn’t leave it.

“Hey, hey.” As she approached the injured animal, it growled weakly and tried to slink away. Danni gasped. Its leg hung at an awkward angle and was broken. It was a shepherd mix but smallish, about the size of a sheltie, and had one blue eye and one brown. She moved toward it, speaking soothingly, and the dog stopped.

“Here, baby, you did me a big favor. I can’t leave you like this.” Slowly she reached toward it and began to pet it. The dog flinched but didn’t try to bite.

With infinite care, Danni moved closer, and when the dog relaxed, she inspected the injured leg.

Poor thing. What can I do? Even if he lets me pick him up, I can’t carry him like this all the way to my car.She had to call someone. If Dylan were still here, she’d call him, but he was long gone. Biting her lower lip, she realized there was only one person she could call, one person she could trust.

Danni pulled out her phone and punched in a number she hadn’t called in a long time, one she’d removed from her contacts but one she still knew from memory.