Page 107 of Code of Courage


Gabe followed the LT into the chief’s office. He remembered Vivian Raven. He’d never worked with her, but he knew her.

“Lieutenant.” Raven stood, surprise showing in her face. “And Gabe Fox. Long time no see.” They all shook hands.

“Hello, Vivian. You made it to the big chair.”

“Interim, interim. But the two of you here in my office bodes bad news. What in heaven’s name is wrong?”

“I think it’s best if we let you hear this.” Gabe set the file folder and the cassette recorder on her desk and played the tape for the chief.

Raven listened with interest and after it was over, was engaged, even animated. “I remember the accident. I was in patrol at the time; everyone talked about it. It was such a tragedy. Where on earth did you get a cassette tape?”

Gabe explained how he came by the cold case and the tape. He handed Raven the file, the documents he’d retrieved from the safe-deposit box.

“This is taking me back.” She stood, one hand on hip, pensive expression on her face. “There was a rumor that the accident was actually a hit, and Pope was a shady underworld figure. Greeley tamped everything down right away. He briefedeveryone to stay quiet in order to protect the minor child. Rumor was she was going into federal protective custody.”

“Federal custody? You’re kidding.” Gabe shook his head.

“Remember, this was before social media. The department could bury stuff. And since the Tribune did the same, the story went away. I do remember that news about the crash seemed to just stop—no articles, certainly no investigation. It just stopped. From the tape, I understand why.”

“Did you know Elise White is Elise Pope?”

Raven frowned. “Mayor White? That can’t be right. How do you hide bringing a twelve-year-old into your family?”

“Hoffman did it.”

Raven considered this. “I guess if anyone could, he would be the one.”

“Do you know why the city prosecutor and Mayor White are meeting right now?” Gomez asked.

Raven shook her head. “You want to run this by Madden? There’s no way she’d ever file charges.”

“There is other evidence,” Gabe said, “corroborating evidence, in the file on your desk. But you’re right. I don’t see charges being filed. It still needs to be out in the open.”

“Gabe, do you only have one copy of the tape?” Raven asked.

He nodded.

“Make a copy. Make a couple. Records can copy it for you. I worked for Dace Greeley; you can never be too safe.”

“Do it now,” Gomez said. “Chief Raven and I will review this file and figure out our next step.”

Gabe nodded, picked up the tape player, and left the two command officers to plan. He was actually glad to be out of it. He wanted to find Danni, fill her in.

Gabe stopped at homicide first, walking into a quiet office. No one was in except for Sergeant Harper. Her door was open, and she was busy at her computer.

He knocked on her door. “Sergeant Harper, how are you doing?”

Harper looked up. “Investigator Fox?”

“I was looking for Danni Grace. Do you know where she is?”

Harper leaned back and regarded him suspiciously. “You were taken off the shooting case. Has something changed?”

“No. I had another matter to discuss with her. Nothing to do with the shooting.”

“She’s in the field.” Harper looked at the clock.