Page 105 of Code of Courage


Gabe stood and paced. What was on the tape was explosive. In a normal world he would take this information directly to Madden. But this wasn’t a normal world. He was suspended. Besides that, he didn’t trust Madden. He considered going over her head completely, to the county DA, but chain of command was important in law enforcement. It should start with the PD. Danni needed to know about it as well. It affected the mayor; it affected the entire city.

He finally came up with a name. Lieutenant Gomez. He could trust Go-Go. He put the player into his briefcase. As an afterthought, since he’d surrendered his weapon to IA, he took his backup weapon out of the gun safe. He was almost out the door when his phone rang.

He saw the extension; it was Madden’s second in command, a deputy prosecutor Gabe seldom worked with. Gabe rubbed his forehead, wondering what he could possibly want. He felt no need to avoid the man, so he answered.


“Investigator Fox, have you spoken to Madden today?” His voice was hushed, as if he were trying to keep the conversation quiet. Not unusual if he was in court. He obviously didn’t know Gabe had been suspended, though, and that was strange.

“Uh, no, why?”

“She’s supposed to be in court, and no one seems to be able to get ahold of her.”

“She’s always supposed to be available.”

“I know. Three cases will be dismissed if she doesn’t show. Her admin told me she left for a meeting with the mayor. I tried the mayor’s office, but she’s not taking any calls. The judge might hold Madden in contempt.”

“Odd. Not sure what I can do to help.”

“If she contacts you, tell her I need to talk to her ASAP.”

Gabe agreed and ended the connection. Why hadn’t Madden told everyone she’d suspended him? She must have her reasons.

Gabe grabbed his things and called Gomez from the car on his way over to the PD.

“What’s up, Fox?”

“I’ve got something important I need to show you.”


“You must see it to believe it. By the way, do you know what is up with Madden?”

“Why would I know what is going on with your boss?”

“Some cases will be dismissed because she’s a no-show in court. I thought maybe you’d know if she had an emergency.”

“I know nothing. Come on up when you get here.”

Gabe pulled into the PD lot. “I’ll be there in a minute.” He hurried up to the lieutenant’s office, wondering if Danni was in the building.

“What have you got for me, Fox?” Gomez asked.

“Listen to this.” Gabe set up the cassette player and started the tape.

Gomez listened, and as the tape played through, he didn’t hide his astonishment. “Where did you get this?”

Gabe told him the story.

Gomez rubbed his face with both hands. “Incredible. It might be shredded by a defense attorney after all this time. But it will do damage.”

“It’s worth opening a formal investigation.”

Gomez nodded. “I agree. I can open one on my end. Would Madden refer for prosecution?”

“I can’t say. She suspended me this morning.”