Come on. This was Jack Stapleton. And I was just… me. I mean, from any rational perspective, none of this could possibly be happening.
That wasn’t my opinion.
That wasn’t me being hard on myself.
That was just… true.
“I think I’m having a stroke or something,” I said. “What are we talking about?”
“I’m telling you I have a thing for you.”
“And I’m telling you that doesn’t make any sense.”
“It makes sense to me.”
“Maybe you’re the one having the stroke.”
“Is it so hard to believe that I like you?”
“Um. Kinda, yeah. You called me ‘plain,’ and ‘non-Hollywood,’ and ‘the epitome of ordinary.’”
“Okay. But those are good things.”
“And stumpy!” I added.
“Well. You’re not tall.”
“I’ve seen your girlfriends, Jack. I’ve got a whole file on them. I am nothing at all like any of those people.”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
“What? What are you saying?”
“I’m saying you’re better.”
I gave him a look. “Now you’re just insulting everybody.”
“You’re a real person.”
“Real people are a dime a dozen.”
Jack thought for a second. “Okay. You know the dolls my mom rescues?”
“What I’m saying is, the women in your file—those women from my past—they’re the ‘befores.’ And you…” He looked right into my eyes. “You’re the ‘after.’”
And just like that, I got it.
I got what Jack Stapleton meant by “real.”
More than that, I believed him.
Jack kept going. “When you’re not around, even for a little while, I feel like I have to go find you. I just feel this pull to be near you. I want to know what you’re thinking, and what you’re up to, and how you feel. I want to take you places and show you things. I want to memorize you—to learn you like a song. And that nightgown, and the way you get so cranky when I leave my stuff all over the place, and the way you tie your hair back in that crazy bun. You make me laugh every single day—and nobody makes me laugh. I feel like I’ve been lost all my life until now—and somehow with you I’m just… found.”
Jack paused and waited for me to argue with him.
But I just said, “Okay.”