AT DINNER, Ikept waiting for Jack to confess the fake relationship to his parents—and Jack kept putting it off.
I’d made us fish tacos for dinner. Maybe he didn’t want to spoil the meal?
I didn’t want to spoil the meal, either.
I found myself looking furtively around the table. I didn’t figure Hank would care too much, but I dreaded the moment when Doc and Connie would realize we’d been lying to them all this time.
When Doc was starting to clear plates and Jack still hadn’t said anything, I got it started. “Doc? Connie? There’s something Jack and I need to tell you.”
Connie lifted her hand to her collarbone in delight. “I knew it.”
“You did?” I asked, glancing at Jack.
“I called it like a week ago. Didn’t I call it, honey?” Connie said to Doc.
“You called it,” Doc confirmed.
I looked at Jack.
“I don’t think this is—” Jack started.
“Let’s do it here,” Connie said. “We’ll handle everything.”
“Do what?” Jack asked.
His mother frowned, like Duh. “The wedding.”
Jack looked over at me.
I sighed.
“Mom,” Jack said, “we’re not getting married.”
But Connie just waved that notion off, like Nonsense. “Of course you are.”
“I’m telling you. I already called it. You’re perfect for each other.”
Jack looked a little green. This was going to be worse than he thought. “Mom, we’re not getting married. In fact,” he glanced over at me for courage, “Hannah’s not even really my girlfriend.”
Jack’s dad had returned to his seat—and now they both stared at us, uncomprehending.
“Not your girlfriend?” Connie asked. “Why not?”
“She’s actually…” Jack said. “You see…” he tried again. “The truth is…”
“I’m a bodyguard,” I said.
Both Jack’s parents blinked at me, but Hank fixed his eyes on Jack.
“I’m his bodyguard,” I clarified, pointing at Jack.
We gave it a second to sink in.
Then Doc said, “Aren’t you a little short to be a bodyguard?”