Page 121 of The Bodyguard

“It’s making me laugh.”

“That’s your problem, not mine.”

But next, Jack broke. His whole face just shifted into a full-territory smile. Then he dropped his head and his shoulders shook.

“You’re terrible at this,” I said.

“It’s not me, it’s you.” He still hadn’t lifted his head.

“So it’s not that the first person to cry wins—it’s the first person to dissolve into giggles loses.”

“Men don’t dissolve into giggles.”

“You do.”

Jack lifted his head, eyes still bright, still smiling. “I guess it’s easier if you dislike your scene partner.”

That got my attention. “Do you dislike your scene partners?”


“Not in the rom-coms, though. Not Katie Palmer.”

Jack made a face. “Katie Palmer is the worst.”

I gasped in protest. “That can’t be true.”

But Jack nodded, like Sorry. “She’s rude, she’s narcissistic, she’s sucks up to the bigshots. She’s the kind of person who humiliates waiters.”

I put my hands over my face. “Do not speak ill of Katie Palmer! She’s a national treasure.”

“Well, she’s a mean-ass person. And she’s a terrible actress.”

I covered my mouth with my hand. “Stop! You’re ruining her!”

“She was already ruined.”

“But that movie! You guys were so in love.”

“Guess what? We were acting.”

“But that kiss. That epic kiss!”

“You wanna know why that kiss was so good? Because the sooner we got the take, the sooner the shooting day was over.”

“But! But…” This was how today was going to go? Jack was going to ruin my favorite kiss of all time?

Then he added, “And she has terrible breath, too.”

Dammit! “That can’t be true.”

“It’s true. She’s famous for it. Her breath smells like elephants.”

“Like elephants?”

“Like when you go to the zoo and stand near the elephants. That smell. But warm. And moist.”

I just squeezed my eyes closed and shook my head.