Page 63 of The Bodyguard

“Do you mean…” she said.

“You.” I confirmed with a nod. “And Robby.”



“That… that—”

“That’s what happened in Madrid?”

She hesitated. Which was fascinating. Because there was no weaseling out of anything now. Finally, she said, “Yeah.” Then, as if she could redeem herself, “But by accident!”

I knew it already, of course. And I thought seeing it would be the worst of it.

But I was wrong.

The confirmation was the worst of it.

“So, all those times I called you and cried over my broken heart… you were dating the person who broke it?”

Taylor looked down. “At first, we weren’t really dating.”

“Just sleeping together.”

“But not on purpose. Not entirely.”

There wasn’t a point in even talking about it. I just wanted her to know that I knew. Then we could all be in agreement that she was a terrible person.

But then she said, “Technically, you were broken up.”

I frowned. “What?”

“We didn’t cheat on you, is what I’m saying. Technically.”

I refused to dignify that with a response.

“I’m sorry. I really am sorry. It just happened. We didn’t know how to tell you.”

“It just happened?”

“You know how it is on assignment.”

“Yes, I definitely do. Specifically with Robby.”

“We weren’t trying to hurt you.”

Again with the “we.” We, we, we. “Do you not understand the… the…” I couldn’t think of words that captured it. Finally, I went with, “the emotional atrocity you just committed?”

“We’re not talking about war crimes.”

“You looted our friendship. You firebombed the trust I had in you. You nuked my faith in humanity. You’re the Enola Gay of best friends.”

Maybe I was overstating it a bit. But I didn’t back down, even after it occurred to me that this conversation was not that different from how we talked when we were laughing. The one big difference, now, of course, being the white-hot hatred.

I had a real question, though. “Do you not understand what you did,” I asked, “or are you pretending not to?” I stared her down, waiting. “I’ll hate you forever, either way,” I went on. “But in one case, I’ll hate you for being stupid, and in the other, I’ll hate you for being selfish.”

Taylor looked down.