Page 35 of The Bodyguard

“You’ve done weirder things for clients,” I said.

“You’ve seen the man. Would it really be so awful?”

“I can’t believe you knew, and you didn’t tell me.”

“I thought it might be better coming from his own famously handsome mouth.”

“Well, it wasn’t better. It was worse. I was totally unprepared. I have never walked out of a client’s house like that.”

“That’s on you.”

“No, it’s on you. You didn’t warn me.”

He kept his voice reasonable. “I didn’t warn you because it’s not nearly as big a deal as you’re acting like it is. His threat level is mild. He’s been off the radar. The press doesn’t know he’s here. The money’s good. This is the definition of easy.”

“You be his girlfriend then!” I said.

Glenn flared his nostrils.

“Or anybody else here.”

Kelly’s hand shot up. “I volunteer as tribute.”

“Perfect. Send Kelly!” I said. “Or send Taylor.”

“You’re the best I’ve got,” Glenn said. “And it’s gonna be a tricky one.”

“You just said it was ‘the definition of easy.’”

“It’s both! It’s easy and tricky! And I need a top person. And that’s you.”

“Don’t flatter me,” I said.

Glenn leaned in closer. “Look,” he said. “He’s estranged from his family. He’ll barely see them. So what if you have to do a little bit of covering when they’re nearby. From the looks of things, that shouldn’t be too often.”

“Glenn. His family’s the whole reason he’s here.”

But Glenn shook his head. “From what we’ve gathered, his relationship with his older brother is completely nonexistent.”

“What about the parents?”

“That’s less clear. Either way, he doesn’t spend much time with any of them.”

I didn’t know how else to protest. “Everything about this feels wrong.”

Glenn kept his eyes on me. “You’ve been incognito before.”

“To the outside world. Not to the client.”

“The family’s not the client. Jack Stapleton’s the client.”

“Same thing,” I said.

“You won’t be bored anymore, that’s for sure,” Glenn said.

“Hello?” Kelly said, waving to the room. “I said I’ll do it. I’m volunteering. You don’t even have to pay me. I’ll pay you.”

“It’s unethical,” I said, turning to her.