Page 94 of Trapped In Love

Nolan MacGregor was a grumpy guy. Gemma teasingly called him a ‘grumpy bear,’ but other than mild annoyance, I’d never seen him shake with rage at me. Declan looked up at the sound of his brother’s voice.

“Get your asses in here and shut the door!” Declan called to us.

Nolan glared at me, and he bumped me with his shoulder as he went into the office.

He sat in a chair next to his younger brother, and they both sat there staring at me as if they were waiting for me to explain myself. I quirked up my eyebrow as I stared back at them.

“Shut the door. We gotta have some words,” Nolan snarled again.

I shut the door and flopped down into the chair in front of Declan’s desk.

“Is Gemma on the schedule at all?” I asked. “I need to talk to her.”

“No, she fucking quit,” Declan said. “You wanna tell me why?”

What? That didn’t make any sense. Gemma said she was going to take the marketing director position. Why would she up and quit the brewery altogether?

I looked at both of them, and they were staring daggers at me. Nolan had his arms crossed over his chest.

“Felix, I like you,” Nolan began. “But you fucked with my family, and I can’t forgive that.”

I held up my hands. “Whoa, wait a second. What are you talking about?”

Declan pointed at me. “You want to tell me why, after Gemma spent a week in the Poconos with you, she came into the brewery, tossed down her apron, and said she didn’t want the marketing job? Not just the job, she quit the brewery entirely.”

“You want to tell me why my wife called me in tears asking me to help her sister because she meddled when she shouldn’t have, and Gemma’s heartbroken?”

I sighed. “Fuck.”

“Gemma might be a flighty pain in the ass, but she’s ours, and she’s family,” Nolan said and glared at me. “Anyone who hurts my family can get fucked.”

Declan put a hand on his brother’s arm. “Easy, big guy. Felix, what happened?”

“I messed up. I came here to apologize to make it right.”

“What did you do?” Nolan asked. He had his arms crossed over his big chest, clearly still pissed off at me.

“My sister broke her leg and called me in a panic. I didn’t think I just went to her and didn’t tell Gemma. By the time I realized what happened, my phone had died,” I explained. I glared at the big guy. “You, of all people, should understand my sister always comes first.”

He nodded and ran a hand through his beard. “Okay, okay, man, I get it. I do. She comes first.”

Declan took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He shoved them back onto his face and stared at me, dumbfounded. “So…wait, Gemma quit because you’re a dumbass who couldn’t bother to wake her up and say, ‘Gem, I have a family emergency.’ How am I surrounded by dumbasses?”

That got him the double finger salute from me and his brother.

Nolan sighed. “Bro, sorry to go all aggro on you. When my wife’s upset, it consumes me. I’m sorry Avs meddled. I told her she shouldn’t have done that, but she just wants Gemma to be happy.”

“We all do,” Declan agreed. “I thought it would be better after you finally banged, but it got worse.”

I raised an eyebrow.

Declan rolled his eyes. “Bro, we have security cams. I thought it was super weird that two of my best bartenders did a terrible job closing. Then I saw the footage of your tongue down her throat.”

He shuddered and pretended to gag. That shouldn’t have made me smile, but it did. I was glad Declan only ever saw Gemma as an annoying little sister.

“There’s a camera in the supply closet?” I asked.

Declan shook his head. “Nah, but the hallway camera picks up things if the closet door is open.”