Page 77 of Trapped In Love

I shook my head and swung our linked hands. “Nah. It’s nice being with you. This week has been amazing.”


I didn’t press him on that noncommittal noise as we continued our walk. I was considering driving up to the nature preserve, but it felt like he wanted to stay put. I had to do some cleaning in the cabin today, anyway.

After we walked along the lake some more, Felix turned me around.

“Hey!” I yelled.

He put his arms around my waist from behind and kissed my neck. “Let’s head back before you make me walk around the entire lake.”

I laughed. “We could do that!”

He walked beside me, and we headed back in the cabin’s direction. I didn’t mind the silence between us, since it wasn’t tension-filled anymore. We were comfortable enough that we just wanted to be present with each other.

When we got back to the cabin, Felix tackled the dishes while I started a load of wash. Upstairs in the bedroom, I grabbed a handful of his clothes but paused when I saw his sketchbook lying open on the bed.

I sat on the bed and studied the image drawn in dark pencil. It was me. Felix was drawing me. In the sketch, I had my eyes closed, like I was asleep. I turned the page and found another similar sketch, but this time I was chopping wood for the fire. The next one, I had my eyes closed again, but I was sitting on the dock with my feet in the water. Felix kept drawing me in different scenarios in his sketchbook, and I didn’t know why.

I turned the page, and the next drawing was of the two of us. Felix had his arms around my waist from behind, and he was kissing my temple while we stood on the dock, looking out at the water. We looked so deeply and desperately in love.

Was I only seeing what I wanted to see? Or was Felix trying to tell me something with his drawings? When I looked at all these images, all I felt was love, like maybe he was fooling himself too.

“Sweet thing!” Felix called from downstairs.

I jumped at the prospect of getting caught snooping. He might have left his sketchbook open, but I wasn’t supposed to see this. His drawings were the window to his soul, and he didn’t want to share his feelings with me. At least not yet. But maybe I could convince him we were good together. Maybe this was a sign from the universe that he didn’t want to let me go either.

“Gemma!” Felix yelled again. “Did you forget about the wash?”

I snapped out of it as I yelled back down to him. “Coming!”

I piled his clothes back into my arms and went downstairs. I dumped all the clothes into the washing machine and started it up.

“Did you throw it all in?” he asked from his seat on the couch. He was chewing on his lip as he stared at something on his computer screen.


“Gemma, you gotta separate the wash.”

I shrugged. “It’s fine! I put it all on cold.”

He shook his head in disbelief.

I flopped down on the couch beside him, but he moved his laptop when I tried to sneak a peek. I pouted, but he waggled a finger in my face. “No, you can’t see it yet.”

“Please,” I begged and really turned on the adorable pout.

“Nope, don’t even try it, you brat. You’ll see it when it’s done.”

“But I want to see it now.”

He placed a hand on my thigh and squeezed. “Patience, sweet thing. You’ll see it soon enough.”

We both knew we weren’t just talking about the logo he was designing for me.

I stood up. “I’m gonna go for a swim in the lake while you’re working.”

He shut his laptop. “I’ll join you.”

I skipped up the stairs to go put on my bathing suit. Having our own dock definitely had its perks.