Page 75 of Trapped In Love



Ihated the last day of vacation. Which was why I woke up early and slithered out of bed, hoping I didn’t wake Felix. He looked so peaceful sleeping beside me, but I wanted to do ALL the things before I had to go back to Drakesville tomorrow.

I went into the bedroom I had previously been sleeping in to change my clothes. The sun had just about risen, and I wanted to get out on the lake. Then I’d make a big breakfast before we went out on our hike. I wasn’t a baker like my sister, but I made a mean French toast.

I tip-toed down the wooden steps of the cabin, careful not to step on the creaky one at the bottom. I slipped out the back door and went into the garage. I found the kayak and paddle and walked them down to the shoreline. I put on my life vest and got in, pushing off from the shore and putting my paddle in the water.

I closed my eyes and let the sun shine down on me. Being out on the lake this early in the morning always made me feel calm. I slid my paddle into the water and took in the surrounding scenery. The lake was beautiful, especially at this time of day as the water shimmered beneath the sun. As I paddled across the lake, my thoughts turned to dread about leaving tomorrow.

This week with Felix had been amazing, but it was a dream. Up here, we were in our own romantic bubble, but tomorrow we’d go our separate ways and never speak of this again. That was why it made little sense when he said he wanted to take me out to dinner tonight. I didn’t understand why he wanted it to be a makeup date from when he stood me up if all of this was about to be over. We’d probably have amazing goodbye sex tonight, but that’s all it would be—a goodbye.

I had thought this week would be hell. That we’d have bickered all week, and I’d have driven home way sooner than I planned. But in a few short days, I fell for him. I fell for him hard.

If I was honest with myself, it was probably when he told me about his dad and sister. He sacrificed his own happiness for his sister’s, which made my heart thrum for him. He wasn’t the asshole he made me believe he was. He pushed me away because he thought we didn’t have a future.

And yet, yesterday, it felt like he looked at me like he was wondering if it was possible. If he could take a chance on me. Last night in bed, when he zoned out, I wanted so badly to know what he was thinking. I wanted to open up that brain of his and pick out what he focused on.

The other part of me wondered if he had been tired, and I just saw what I wanted to see. Felix was a good man, and I understood why he and Nolan got along so well. Declan said after their parents died, Nolan sacrificed his whole life to make sure food was on the table. Just like Felix did for his sister. It was admirable, and I’d admit it was one of the reasons I’d fallen for him. But he made it clear we couldn’t have anything more. So loving him wasn’t an option. It would only lead to heartbreak.

I paddled myself back to shore and willed the dark thoughts to the back of my mind. I’d deal with those thoughts tomorrow after I got home. I’d cry and eat ice cream, watching old hockey games to cheer myself up. But today, I’d spend one last day in Felix’s arms.

I spied a figure on the dock as I paddled the kayak closer. I glanced at my watch and realized I had been out on the lake much longer than I thought. As I got closer, Felix’s image materialized. He stood on the dock with two mugs of coffee, waiting for me.

Oh, a man who waited for you with coffee was definitely a keeper and sexy as all hell. Too bad keeping this one was never an option.

I paddled to shore and got out of the kayak on the grassy side next to the dock. I rested the paddle against a tree and walked over to Felix. He gave me a big smile. “You could have woken me up.”

He handed me the steaming cup of coffee, and I took a sip. My eyes lit up when my tastebuds realized he remembered how I took it. “I didn’t want to wake you,” I explained.

He sipped his black coffee and raised that pierced eyebrow of his. “Mmmhmm.”

“Fine,” I sighed. “I wanted to do all the things, and you weren’t waking up.”

A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

I handed him the mug back. “Give me a sec. I have to put the kayak away, and then I’ll make breakfast.”

“You’re making me breakfast?” he teased.

“Breakfast is my specialty. I know you loved my pancakes.”

He gave me an exasperated look. “Those were from a box, Gem.”

I opened my mouth in shock and fake gasped. “Who told you?”

He laughed. “The pantry.”

I shrugged and lifted the kayak into my arms. I liked that he didn’t tell me he’d get it for me because he knew I could handle it.

I walked back over to the garage and hung the kayak up to dry. I undid my life vest and hung that up too, then went back into the cabin. Felix was already at the counter, cracking eggs into a mixing bowl. He left my coffee at the table for me.

I picked up my coffee and took a sip, then walked over to him. He gave me a smile as he whisked the eggs, but I distracted him with a quick kiss.

“Morning,” I breathed when our lips parted from each other.

“Morning, sweet thing. I was gonna make us French toast.”