Page 58 of Trapped In Love



Ihummed as I made our sandwiches and packed snacks into the cooler. Felix was still upstairs tinkering with my logo, so I was getting our bags together for our day out on the lake. The past couple of days had been fun, but I was trying not to think about how little time we had left. I shouldn’t have slept in his bed last night. That felt so relationship-y, and this was just a fling. No matter how much sexual chemistry we had.

I threw in fruit and crackers and took the cooler out to the car. Then I went into the garage, got out the beach chairs and umbrella, and put them into the trunk of my car. Felix came outside in his board shorts and t-shirt.

“You need help?” he asked.

I waved him off. “Nah, I got it. You ready?”

He nodded. “You got the sunblock, right?”

I walked over to the driver’s side of the car. “Yes!”

“Snacks? Water?”

I rolled my eyes at him. “Yes, Dad! Let’s go.”

He laughed. “Sorry, I’m being a dad, aren’t I?”

“An annoying ass, more like it,” I muttered under my breath. The salty look he gave me told me he heard me.

We drove over to the sandy lake near the resort, and Felix helped me drag all our stuff over to a nice spot in the sand. This was why I preferred going out on the boat or hiking. Going to the lake was such a production.

Felix set up the umbrella and chairs while I laid down the beach blanket. I shimmied out of my shorts and took off my shirt so I could put on my sunblock. Felix had already taken off his shirt, and his tattoos gleamed in the bright summer sun. He stared at me for a second, and I knew it was because I was wearing the skimpiest bikini I owned. That might have been intentional.

“You want help?” he asked when he picked his jaw up from the sand.

I gave him a sultry look from over my shoulder. “I can’t reach my back.”

I snickered when he swore under his breath, but he sat behind me and rubbed sunblock into his hands. He moved my hair out of the way and smeared the sunblock down my back. His rough hands felt so good on my skin that I forgot where I was.

“Gemma, stop moaning,” he growled in my ear when he stopped.

“Sorry, I like your hands on me.”

He pressed a kiss to my shoulder. “I know, sweet thing. I can get my hands all over you again later.”

“You had me this morning!” I teased.

Waking up in bed with him meant we took advantage of that. I wanted to make use of his body if I had limited time with it. Especially since I was pretty sure I’d go back to being dateless Gemma when we got back to Drakesville.

I put the rest of my sunblock on and did Felix’s back for him in return. I put my shades on and laid back on the blanket to catch some rays. Honestly? Laying at the lake was kinda boring, but I’d get in the water after Keisha and Harper got here.

I lifted my sunglasses at the sound of footsteps in the sand, and jumped up when the girls came over to us. Keisha plopped down their chairs while Harper laid down their blanket next to mine.

“Hey!” I said to them. “You made it.”

“Oh my god, Gem, go in the water. I know you’re itching to,” Harper said.

“You want help?” Felix asked them as they were setting up.

They waved him off, and I dragged him off to join me down at the water. My feet pounded into the sand as I ran into the lake. The lake was man-made, but they brought in sand to give it that beachy feel. Some people didn’t like the idea of swimming in these lakes, but I always loved it. I spent my childhood swimming in this lake, and I always loved coming back to it.

Felix caught up to me in the water and swung me around in his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist underneath the water and leaned my head back when he twirled me around.

“I didn’t know you were so adventurous,” he said. “I feel like since you busted your way into the cabin, you have been go-go-go.”