Page 26 of Trapped In Love

I ran a hand through my hair as I stood in the open front door. “Reception might be spotty, but call or email me if something comes up.”

She gave me a smile. “Fe, stop being such a helicopter parent.”

“She’s my entire world.”

Christine nodded in understanding. “I get it. Sophia’s my whole world, but you still need a life. Have fun fishing in the Poconos.”

I laughed. “Hiking. I don’t even know how to fish.”

“What?” she laughed. “Then why bother going up there?”

I shrugged. “Because Avery MacGregor offered, and I don’t have to pay for a hotel. And I need a vacation.”

“Skye will be fine without you. She’s a teenage girl. She doesn’t need you being a monk.”

Hmm. This sounded familiar. I wondered if Skye had been echoing Christine's words to me.

“Maybe you can get laid at least. It seems like you need it.”


She gave me a mischievous grin. “What? Have a vacation fling. It could be fun!”

Maybe a vacation fling would help me get Gemma Jensen out of my head. My dick didn’t seem to want to picture anyone else when I jacked off in the shower. I really couldn’t go there, but my horny brain didn’t want to let go of her. The stubborn woman was haunting me.

“Have fun!” Christine called back to me as she walked down the steps of my porch and into her car.

I stood on the porch waving to my sister and waited until the car had sped away, then I went back inside. Unlike Skye, I packed up my stuff yesterday. I had to load up the car, then I could leave.

I went upstairs for my suitcase and brought it out to the car. I had half a case of Radle My Cage and another half of Mac Daddy, perfect for a week at the cabin. I took the beer and my cooler packed with food out to the car next. I’d make a trip to the local grocery store on my way to the cabin for any last-minute supplies.

I got the car packed and locked up the house before I left. The Jensen’s cabin was a two and half hour drive, but for once in my life, I was planning to enjoy the peace and quiet.

Three long hours later, I made it. It was much bigger than I had pictured. I imagined a tiny hunting cabin in the middle of nowhere, but I found a two-story log cabin in the woods that looked out onto an enormous lake. It perfectly combined a lake and forest backdrop. I dug it. I liked it better than the rental cabins I saw on the drive in. Avery had mentioned it was a tourist area, but I didn’t mind that. Especially when I felt secluded back here.

I parked my car in front of the detached garage and got out. I lugged my beer up the steps of the big wraparound porch, pulled the key Avery had given me out of my back pocket, and keyed inside. The cabin’s interior looked exactly how I imagined. It had wood paneling throughout but an upgraded kitchen with granite countertops and new-looking appliances. There was an enormous fireplace in the living room, but with the summer’s heat, I probably wouldn’t use it. Avery and Nolan must have enjoyed it when they honeymooned up here.

I put my beer into the fridge and started unloading my food. After bringing in all the cold stuff, I retrieved my suitcase and art supplies. I climbed the stairs and discovered there were three bedrooms. I picked the biggest one with the en suite bathroom, dropped my bags on the floor, and flopped down on the bed with a sigh.

It was weird to have zero responsibilities. I kinda wanted to lie in this bed and sleep for a thousand years.

I pulled out my phone and smiled when I saw my sister texted a picture of her and Sophia at the beach. I had to admit; it was nice that I didn’t have to worry about her this week. Christine and her husband would take care of Skye like they always had. She was safe, and I could enjoy this week alone.

Tonight, I’d have a chill night since I was beat after the long drive in. Tomorrow, I’d get up and explore. Maybe I’d take the kayak Avery mentioned was in the garage out for a relaxing day on the water. I wanted to check out the trails and the nature preserve, too. I could take some photos and start a new painting. With my graphic design work, I hadn’t been doing much painting. I sketched a lot, but I hadn’t had time for my first love.

I set my phone down on the bedside table, walked back downstairs into the kitchen, and grabbed a bottle of Radle My Cage from out of the fridge. I popped the top with the beer opener magnet I found on the fridge. I laughed when I noticed it was a MacGregor Brothers Brewing Company one. Because, of course, it was. I squinted at the logo in thought. I wanted to tweak it, but I’d talk to Declan about that after vacation. The logo was one of the first things I designed. The typeface looked dated now, and I wanted to give it a refresh. The kerning was off, too.

I sipped on my beer while surveying the photos pinned to the fridge. There was one of Avery and Nolan cozy on the couch. He had his big hands on her pregnant belly, and the love between them poured out of the photo. I spied Gemma in a couple other photos that spanned the years. It was weird seeing her with her natural dark brown hair. I saw the resemblance between her and Avery in the older photos. The bright pink in your face color suited Gemma much better. I stared at a photo of a woman who looked like Avery’s spitting image holding a toddler that was probably Gemma.

A sadness hit my chest that losing our moms was something we had in common. At least her mother hadn’t wanted to go. In the photo, you could tell the woman loved her child. I thought my mom loved me, but then she left us to fend for ourselves.

Since Mom left, all I had done was care for my sister. I’d let partners down because Skye was more important to me. It wasn’t until after Roger and I broke up that I realized trying to have it all wasn’t possible. I couldn’t hold down two jobs, parent Skye, and have a committed relationship. I had to choose. So I chose work and my sister. I didn’t regret my decision, but sometimes the loneliness was unbearable. It didn’t matter how I felt, though, because Skye was more important than anything.

I tried not to think about it and took another swig of my beer. I fired up the grill on the porch and made steaks for me, myself, and I. I was taking advantage of this solo vacation and going to enjoy every minute.