Page 24 of Trapped In Love

She gave me a sympathetic smile. Avery had been there when I had the mental breakdown that caused me to quit my high-pressure corporate marketing job.

It had been too much stress, and I cracked underneath it all. It didn’t help that I felt like I was constantly gaslit by my boss. She’d tell me to do something, and when I did what she asked, she’d claim it wasn’t what we talked about. When it was one hundred percent what we talked about. The corporate world was hell, and I hated every minute.

Avery reached over and squeezed my hand. “It won’t be like last time. Because you’ll be the one in charge.”

She was wrong. I couldn’t handle the weight Declan was putting on my shoulders.

“It’s too much to handle,” I insisted. “Dec told me to go on vacation and think about what I want.”

Nolan rocked Norah in his arms. “Not a bad idea, kiddo. You work your ass off for us.”

I rolled my eyes at his kiddo comment. I was twenty-five; I wasn’t a little kid.

“Oh, I know!” Avery said, with an odd twinkle in her eye. “Go up to the cabin.”

Nolan furrowed his brow at my sister. “But isn’t—”

Avery cut a glare at her husband, and Nolan clamped his mouth shut, but he still looked confused.

“Gemma, you love going up to the cabin during the summer!” Avery exclaimed. “You can go fishing and hiking and do all that boring outdoorsy stuff you like. If Declan took you off the schedule, it’s perfect timing.”

I loved going up to the cabin. I spent so many summers there with Dad after Mom died. I hadn’t gone in a couple of years since I’ve been working non-stop at the brewery. Maybe it wasn’t a bad idea to go to the cabin. Declan and Avery were right. I could use a vacation.

“Have a fun summer vacation up on the lake! It’s totally fine. Dad and Uncle Bill aren’t up there right now. Summers on the lake were always fun for you,” my sister tried to convince me.

I should have been suspicious of Nolan furrowing his brow at Avery like she had three heads. Or paid attention to the way she glared at him. But I was coming around to the idea of going to the cabin for a little R & R. Our cabin was in a wooded area that faced out onto the big lake. We even had our own dock for the kayak. It wasn’t unusual for me to take a solo fishing trip up there, either. I just hadn’t done it in a while.

Maybe it would help me clear my head and think about what I wanted. And make me forget all about Felix freaking Jameson. I could charge my crystals and reverse whatever he did to me, too.

“Okay, I don’t know why you’re badgering me about this, but okay, I’ll go,” I finally said.

“Good, you need a vacation. You work too hard,” Avery said with a smile.

I should have questioned that smile. I should have recognized my sister was up to something.