Page 17 of Trapped In Love

I clenched my hands into fists and gritted my teeth. “But I don’t want to!”

Nolan scowled again. “But we shouldn’t be paying you for one job when you’re doing two!”

I shook my head. “Don’t worry about it, Nol. Is Avery taking visitors, or did you annoy her too much?”

He shook his head. “She’s wiped out. Peanut was up all night. Come over tomorrow after we bring her home.”

I smiled at the nickname he had for the baby. Nolan puffed out his barreled chest in pride when he talked about her.

“Okay, I’ll call beforehand. I don’t want to be in the way.”

“You won’t. Avs still needs you, okay?”

“Okay,” I said in a quiet voice, but I didn’t believe him. Avery didn’t need me when she had him. It was me who needed her.

“You at the brewery tonight?” he asked.

I shook my head. “Nah. I’m not on the schedule.”

He nodded. “Thanks for coming over and doing that stuff, Gem. I know your sister will appreciate it. I appreciate it too.”

I gave him a cheeky grin. “Aw, Nol, ya big softie.”

“You’re a pain in the ass, but you’re our pain in the ass,” he grumbled.

“I better go,” I said. “There’s food in the fridge.”

He furrowed his brow.

“It’s not poison!” I joked. “I’m not as good of a cook as Avs, but I can still make our mom’s lasagna.”

Nolan grunted at me, which was standard operating procedure for the big guy. I laughed as I walked out of the house and toward my apartment on the other side of town.

I wanted to see my sister, and a part of me wanted to tell her what happened between me and Felix. But the other part didn’t want to tell a single soul I slept with him. If I pretended it didn’t happen, my heart wouldn’t feel so heavy with grief. I felt so foolish for letting him into my bed.

If it was supposed to only be a one-night stand, why did my heart feel like he broke it again? I should have never let my horny brain control me last night. How was I going to work side-by-side with him now that he knew what sounds I made when I came?

That asshole would probably make snarky retorts about it too.

I was such a fool.

I walked up the steps inside my apartment in a huff, annoyed with myself for the mistake I made last night. The heat wafted toward me as I walked into my bedroom. I immediately shut the door and cranked the A/C to full blast before flopping down on my bed in defeat.

I should have done my laundry at Avery’s. I wanted to wash the memory of Felix off my sheets and forget our night together. Forget that I let my guard down with him. Even if he had given me more orgasms than anyone else had in a long time. He was still a dick.

I sighed and pulled out my phone to text him about the artwork, even though I didn’t want to.

ME: We have a name for the hefeweizen. Mac Daddy.

I sent him a picture of Nolan and Norah I took yesterday.

FELIX: On it. I’ll make him look like a lumberjack.

I caught myself laughing out loud to myself.

That was perfect for my big and bearded brother-in-law. Avery said she loved his ‘lumbersexual’ physique, so she’d love it too. I wasn’t sure if she realized Nolan made the hefeweizen for her. Just like he made that pumpkin beer for her last fall. He was already talking about making a wheat beer for her at Christmas, too. He claimed it was to bring in more beer drinkers that didn’t like IPAs, but we all knew it was a lie. He did it all for Avery.

I glanced down at my phone and saw the dots blinking as if Felix was typing another message to me, but then they disappeared. I guess we were gonna pretend last night never happened. That was fine with me. It made it easier for me to continue hating him.