Page 13 of Trapped In Love



Iran my hand through Gemma’s cotton-candy pink hair as she lay sprawled across my chest. I wanted to enjoy this quiet moment together as we lay entwined, but I had to leave. I couldn’t let her think this was anything more than a one-night stand.

Gemma turned on her side, and I thought she had fallen asleep until I heard her bedside drawer creak open. My dick lifted up in interest, thinking she was ready for round two, but then she turned back to me and thrust a reddish-brown stone at me.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Jasper. It helps with stress. I can feel it rolling off of you.”

I furrowed my brow. I knew Gemma was eccentric, but I didn’t know she actually believed in healing crystals. She wore a pink crystal around her neck all the time, and I only noticed it because it rested against her tits, and she constantly fidgeted with it.

“Gem, you don’t seriously believe in this stuff?” I asked.

She fingered the pendant at her neck. “Sure I do! It helps me put good vibes into the universe. Your aura has been off since your ex showed up.”

My aura? What the fuck was she talking about?

She shoved the stone at me again. “Just do it!”

I took it from her and rubbed my fingers against the smooth stone. I don’t think it did anything, but I took it to appease the hot, naked lady beside me.

She laid back down and cuddled into my side. A smile upturned on my lips, and I wrapped an arm around her. It was nice having someone to cuddle, but this was only for tonight. I would cut and run once she fell asleep. I would make her hate me even more than she already did. At least I learned what Gemma tasted like and what sounds she made when she came all over my dick.

“Christ,” she swore.


She laughed and skimmed a hand down my torso until she gripped my dick. “How are you hard again?”

I gave her a wink. “That’s what you do to me, sweet thing.”

She rolled her eyes, but then she bent over and took me in her mouth again. Well, if I was going to make her hate me again, at least I’d make tonight count.

I woke to birds chirping and the blinding sensation of sunlight shining down on me. It was like mother earth was slapping me in the face for the evil deeds of last night. I slid my eyes open and swore under my breath when I realized I never went home.

Gemma’s lithe body was curled into my side like she belonged there. Her tattooed arm laid across my chest and her palm was flat against my heart while her hair fanned out over my shoulder. I wanted so badly to stay right here in her bed, holding her in my arms like we belonged together. But I didn’t have time for a relationship, and I couldn’t let her get any ideas about us.

I shifted her onto her back, and she stirred but didn’t wake. I slid out of her bed. I found my clothes, crumpled them into a ball, and tip-toed out of her bedroom. I closed the door gently to not wake her and got dressed in her bathroom. Gemma’s apartment was hot as balls. I hadn’t noticed last night because she had the window unit A/C running in her bedroom all night.

I checked my phone and sighed when I saw it was dead. It was a dick move, leaving without saying goodbye, but I had to do it. Gemma already hated me and thought I was an asshole. I might as well convince her of that even further.

I quietly let myself out of her apartment and walked the couple of blocks to my house. The twin home I lived in with my little sister wasn’t mine, even though I had been paying the mortgage since Mom left when I was fourteen. Dad’s drug habit got worse after Mom left. He was never abusive, but Mom couldn’t handle his addiction. Rather than get him help, she left. Leaving me to raise my baby sister.

For the past couple of years, Dad had been getting better. He even talked about trying to go to rehab again. That was why I asked Gemma out back in January. I felt like I could finally commit to a relationship. Then Dad got arrested for possession again. It was like the universe told me I had to choose between my family or my love life. I would always choose my sister.

I walked up the steps and put my key into the lock, but frowned when I discovered the door unlocked. The hair on the back of my neck rose in suspicion. I always locked the door.

I stepped inside and froze when I saw my little sister sitting on the couch, hugging her knees to her chest with tears streaming down her face.


“Half pint, what’s wrong?” I asked.

“Felix?” she asked. “I came home, and you weren’t here. Why weren’t you here?”

I shouldn’t have stayed at Gemma’s. I didn’t regret my night spent with her, but this was why I couldn’t have a relationship. I couldn’t let my sister down like our parents did.