Page 103 of Trapped In Love

“Lila Sullivan’s his one true love, and he’s still pining over her.”

Avery stopped the stroller and gave me a fascinated look. “Oh my god, tell me everything! Nol let it slip that he's worried about Dec’s ‘revolving door’ of women.”

“Ask Declan! That’s all I got out of him. That’s such a bummer about the bar, though. They could play up their classic Irish bar thing. We could do—” I cut myself off. I was already thinking about cross-marketing promotions, and that wasn’t my job.

Avery smiled at me as we got to the door of the brewery. I narrowed my eyes at her because she brought it up on purpose.

She gave me a small smile while I held the door open for her so she could push the stroller inside. She was swallowed up by Nolan, who almost immediately took Norah out of her stroller and held her to his chest. Avery folded up the stroller and handed Nolan the baby sling, so he could wear Norah on his chest.

“Hey, Gem,” Nolan greeted once he had Norah on his chest. He looked so cute with the little baby cuddled up against him.

“You agreed to an art show?” I asked.

He nodded, but he looked like he was up to something. I was immediately suspicious. He jerked his chin up to the loft space upstairs. “Go look, let me say hello to my wife.”

I gave him a dubious look as he kissed my sister. I cautiously walked up the steps into the loft space and stopped dead in my tracks when I reached the top.

There were paintings set up on display easels upstairs against the railing, and every single one of them was of me. Except for the one in the center, which was the sunset Felix had painted while we were at the cabin together.

Avery and Nolan had been up to something, after all.

I walked up to the first painting and stared back at the image of myself sitting on the dock with my feet in the water. My eyes were closed as I felt the afternoon sun on my face. I laughed at the next one depicting me chopping wood for the fire. I stared at the sunset painting, flashes of memories of my time with Felix running through my brain. Of all the kisses and apologies and broken promises. The next one looked like the selfie I had taken of us on the lake on the day I knew I had fallen for him.

When I moved over to the last painting, the butterflies climbed up my stomach. We stood on the dock in profile, looking out onto the water. Felix had his arms around me from behind, kissing my temple. I was wearing the black dress with pink flowers that matched my hair, while he was in a nice button-down shirt and looked hot as hell.

We looked so deeply and desperately in love, and I didn’t understand why all the paintings at this ‘art show’ were of me. What was Felix playing at?

“He worked so hard on these,” a small voice squeaked beside me, making me jump.

I turned to see a petite pre-teen girl with dark hair standing beside me on crutches. How did she even get up the steps?

“Excuse me?”

“It’s all my fault,” she told me.

I furrowed my brow at this strange girl. “What is?”

“I’m sorry, Gemma, it’s all my fault.” She gestured to the cast on one of her legs. “I broke my leg and wanted my brother, and he didn’t even think to leave you a note. Because he’s a dumbass!”

Wait, what? Her brother?

“SKYE!” Felix’s voice scolded from behind me.

I turned around and saw Felix standing in front of me. He looked nice in a black button-down shirt and matching black jeans. His beard was neatly trimmed with his hair brushed back out of his face, like he had put in the effort to impress me. He held a bouquet of sunflowers in his hands. Just like the ones he sent to me weeks ago with an apology note. I had been so angry; I threw them both in the trash.

Skye grinned at Felix. “Well, you are!”

I turned back to the paintings in front of me. My heart fluttered at the last one again. Of how we fit so perfectly. And god, how I missed him. I missed the feel of his lips on mine and his arms wrapped around me. Of how he smiled at my excitability and never once berated me for my flaws. Or scolded me like my sister did for being such a flighty, immature asshole. Felix accepted all of me, and I had been so stubborn to not even listen to his apology.

I turned back around and crossed my arms over my chest. “Explain yourself. What’s all this?”

“It’s his grand gesture!” Skye explained. “He put his heart and soul into this to win you back.”

I couldn’t help the corner of my lips turning up into a small smile at how his sister was in his corner. It was obvious she loved him very much, and her going to bat for him might have softened my rock-hard heart.

Felix shot her a glare, but she just grinned at him. I held in the laugh when I saw him mouth “PITA” at her.

“Is he forgiven yet?” Skye asked.