Page 101 of Trapped In Love

I raised an eyebrow.

She laughed. “I’ve been stuck in my house for two months with a newborn and an overprotective husband who’s driving me batty. I’ll get her to come.”

“Thanks, Avs.”

“She’s being childish, so I want her to listen to you,” she said as she walked around and surveyed the setup for the art show.

“I’m surprised Declan actually let me do this,” I said.

“He wants his marketing director, so if you can win her back, he knows she’ll reconsider quitting.”

I laughed. “Oh, so there’s something in it for him.”

She laughed with me and stopped in front of the painting of Gemma and me on the dock. “This is my favorite.”

“Mine too.”

She tilted her head as she looked at it. “I’m glad I meddled. You two needed to figure it out.”

I grimaced. “I did exactly what I said I was worried about. I chose my sister over her and didn’t even think about her.”

Avery squeezed my arm. “If you really love my sister, you’ll figure it out. Gemma can be flighty and stubborn. Sorry, it’s a family trait.”

I laughed. “Thanks for your help. I want her to see that I’m sorry, that I want to try. I don’t want us to be broken up.”

“I know, honey. Don’t worry. I’ll get her up here, and she’ll see what I see.”

I nodded. I appreciated Avery’s help, but I was still unsure. I’d find out tomorrow if all this work had been worth it or not. If I got Gemma back, or if I left with a broken heart.