Page 71 of Trapped In Love

“You’ll die when you see the artwork he did,” I told them.

Felix went inside to go get the beers. I should have told him to bring out the s’mores supplies. I hadn’t gotten that far yet.

I got up to put another log on the fire and made sure it kept going.

“You should take the job, Gem,” Harper said.

I nodded. “I made a pro and con list. I think I might. I was just scared. Still am.”

“Can’t fail if you don’t try,” Keisha said.

I nodded. True, but that was what I was afraid of.

Felix came back with our beers and handed them out. We clinked beer bottles, and Harper laughed hysterically. “Oh, my god! This artwork’s amazing!”

Felix smiled.

“It’s perfect!” I agreed.

“Is that supposed to be your niece?” Keisha asked.

I nodded. “Yup. She’s the cutest, and Nolan’s so cute with her. He melts for her.”

“And your sister. They have him wrapped around their fingers,” Felix said.

I laughed. “That too. Nolan’s a grump, but not with my sister. She’s his light or some shit.”

Harper laughed. “She needs to bring the baby up to the cabin!”

“She will,” I reassured her. “She literally had her a couple of weeks ago.”

“I just want to smell that new baby smell!”

Keisha smiled and reached out to hold her wife’s hand. “Excuse her, Harper has baby fever.”

“Is that catching? Because I don’t want it,” I said and shivered.

“You don’t want kids?” Harper asked, her mouth agape.

I shook my head. “Nah. I like to hand them back.”

Keisha looked at Felix. “What about you, Felix? Kids?”

He shook his head. “Nah. I’ve been raising my little sister since I was fourteen. I’m good.” He paused for a second. “That makes me sound like a dick. I love my little sister. I’d do anything for her. She’s my world, but I lost a lot of myself in being the parent mine couldn’t be. Raising a kid’s hard, and I don’t think I want to do it again.”

Keisha looked curiously at the two of us. “Interesting.”

I jumped up to deflect from the conversation. “Let me grab the s’mores stuff, and we can roast marshmallows.”

I skipped back into the house before any of them could say anything else.

It was not lost on me that Felix and I were on the same page about kids. I had to tell my heart to shut the fuck up and forget about that.