“And me what?” Ba’sh bluffed, suddenly realizing he couldn’t say anything. The pilot was a nice guy, but they weren’t exactly best friends or anything. Of course, they did have one thing in common. Khall’s new wife was his nanny only a few months ago, and they were an amazing couple. So maybe he was exactly the right person to be talking to.

“You like her, don’t you?” Khall asked.

“Would it be strange if I did?” Ba’sh asked instead of answering.

“Permission to speak freely?” Khall asked.

“Of course,” Ba’sh replied.

“I think it would be strange if you didn’t,” Khall said. “She’s young and beautiful. But more importantly, she’s good with your kids. It makes you feel something, seeing that, doesn’t it?”

“Is that what happened with you?” Ba’sh asked, throwing good manners to the wind. “Did you fall for April because your kids liked her?”

Fortunately, Khall didn’t seem offended. He just smiled and looked thoughtfully at the view of the system for a moment as he thought about the woman he was so obviously in love with.

“Yeah,” he said. “It was kind of like that. Although that makes it sound like there was no attraction, and there definitely was. There was a powerful attraction.”

Ba’sh nodded.

“You’re probably feeling a little confused and out of control right about now,” Khall joked. “I was at first, too. And, sweet Rings, I’m probably the wrong guy to tell you to go for it. I’m biased because I literally fell in love with my own kids’ nanny.”

“Understood,” Ba’sh said.

“Explore it,” Khall said. “If it feels right. But maybe try to keep it on the down low, until you figure out if it’s really going to work. Last thing you want is to have it splashed around. But keep in mind that love is a rare thing. Most people aren’t lucky enough to find it twice. Don’t discount it just because it comes from somewhere unexpected.”

“That goes without saying,” Ba’sh said immediately. “About it being splashed around. It’s not just about me and my position. It’s about the kids, too. I would never want them to think I’m trying to replace their mother.”

His comms buzzed and he swiped to ignore them.

Before he had a chance to continue, they buzzed again. And again.

“You want to check those?” Khall asked, looking concerned.

“Yeah,” Ba’sh sighed.

He tapped his bracelet to see notifications from his publicity chief, Slaite, and dozens of others, including his mother. They must have started coming in during the slight comms lag on lift off.

He swiped to reveal the first hologram, a moving image, taken an hour ago.

His heart stopped beating for an instant as he tried to get his mind around what he was seeing. Then he felt his blood begin to boil with rage.

“Stop the craft,” he said to Khall, his voice as cold as ice.

“What?” Khall asked.

“I said stop,” Ba’sh roared. “Turn this thing around. I need to go home. Now.”