Once they conquered that planet, they set up a base on it, where they swiftly installed high level weaponry systems to target the others. This procedure allowed them to efficiently take over a whole system with minimum casualties among their own troops.

Once the first planet fell, there was no stopping them. Even the most ancient and wealthy democratic societies had fallen to their cruel dictatorship.

When the Armada set its sights on Ulfgard’s system, they naturally began to orbit its smallest and least inhabited planet, Torgard.

All available soldiers in the system as well as most other able-bodied men volunteered to go to Torgard to fight off The Armada.

Comms that were intercepted indicated a likely date of attack, and the men were deployed.

And at the appointed time, The Armada descended, but not on Torgard. Instead, they surprised everyone by attacking Nordholm, a small planet completely on the other side of the system.

There was no time for the troops to change course. Nordholm stood completely unguarded and ripe for The Armada to pluck.

And it was located right next to Ulfgard, the crown jewel of the system.

Luckily, the women of Ulfgard, though not used in active duty, had all served in a mandatory two-year army training program at the age of nineteen.

Along with the women on several other nearby planets, they quickly organized themselves and deployed to Nordholm together.

Nearly all of them were slaughtered on the beaches where they arrived.

The Armada had the advantage of defending their position from the cliffs, and a head start to set up a convoy of blasters.

But the women fought valiantly, and their sacrifice held the Armada off long enough for the rest of the system’s troops to arrive.

Among the slaughtered bodies of their wives and sisters, the Ulfgardian soldiers attacked and won the day. But everyone knew it was the women who were the real heroes.

The Armada cut its losses and moved on to find a more vulnerable system.

And the Ulfgardians went home to face their tragedy on their home turf.

The sudden, unexpected nature of the deaths of nearly every woman of childbearing age at once was a terrible burden for an otherwise fortunate planet.

And the story echoed throughout the galaxy as another example of the evil consequences of allowing The Armada to continue amassing systems unchecked.

Emilia shivered, thinking about Mimi and Dyrk without a mother, growing up with a father who was obviously obsessed with his career.

Her bracelet lit up.

Your clearances are in. The contract is fully validated on our end. No more contingencies. Are you ready to sign?

She found herself glancing back at the man on the screen with the faraway look in his eyes.

Dragging her gaze from his, she quickly tapped on the contract. A digital pad holo-projected in the air above her bracelet, and she held her thumb to it accepting the offer before she could change her mind.