Emilia listened to the two of them discuss the location of the garden and all the things they wanted to plant.

Something about their happy voices released the vice grip around her heart, and she felt herself relax a little, remembering why she was really here.

When she turned back to the gruel in the boxes, she decided she could probably cook it into pancakes and serve it with fruit and syrup.

It wouldn’t ease the angry ache in her stomach, but at least it would make Dyrk and Mimi happy. And they were awesome. They deserved so much more than a good dinner.

It wasn’t their fault their father was such a man whore.

“Do you guys have any syrup?” she called out to them. “I was thinking we could do a pancake experiment with this dinner.”

The two of them immediately began to cheer.

This is what I need. A happy distraction will help me feel better. I don’t have to think about Ra’as again until we’ve eaten, and the kids are in bed for the night.