
Half an hour later, Ra’as was pacing the floor of his bedroom, listening to the sound of the shower running.

The kids were packed up and on their way to Grandma’s house, with a cell of homemade muffins from Emilia to heat up for breakfast.

Now there was only one thing on his mind.

He knew what was coming next, and for the first time in his life, he felt nervous about it.

It was one thing to lust after the pretty Terran girl and pleasure her late at night in his library.

It was another to make love to a woman for the first time, knowing she was the whole world to him, and to his family.

He frowned and paced a little faster, waiting for the sound of the shower to stop.

Don’t fuck this up, Drayven, he told himself.

“Ra’as,” she called out, while the water was still going.

“Do you need something?” he asked, leaning his head against the door.

“I need you,” she told him.

His body surged with desire in response, and he pushed the door open.

“You must be freezing cold,” she scolded. “Get in here.”

The sight of her took his breath away. She was bare from head to toe, every curve on full display behind the glass wall of the shower. Rivulets of hot water cascaded down her body, drawing his eye to her small, high breasts, the pool of her navel, the place where her thighs met…

“What are you waiting for?” she asked him.

He wrenched his gaze up to her eyes.

“Let me take my clothes off,” he teased.

“That should be easy,” she laughed.

“I guess freeing my Kotenka side doesn’t really lend itself to formal dress,” he joked weakly, peeling the tattered clothing off.

“I thought you were incredible,” she said.

Her voice was low and serious.

“Thank you for coming after me,” she told him. “You saved me.”

“I can’t believe you went out there after Dyrk,” he said. “You could have died.”

The thought of her out there was terrifying and infuriating. Rage rose up in his chest.

“I love him,” she said simply. “I would do it again every time.”

“You love him,” he echoed softly.

“I love you all,” she said.

His anger vanished and he felt a pang so sweet it was almost agony. He opened his mouth, but words wouldn’t come out.

Hot tears prickled his eyes.