
The dark skydoesn’t hint at what a good day it is. Grinder’s finally getting released from prison.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you?”

Irritation rolls off Rock’s shoulders. I’m working his last nerve this morning. That’s nothing new. Only thing different today is that I’m not taking the usual pleasure in it.

“No, too many people will probably make him twitchy.” He lifts his chin. “Let me ease him into life on this side before he gets here and everyone’s in his face.”

Part of me wants to argue I’m the one who should be there to pick Grinder up. I’m the one who visited him for years when Rock wasn’t able to go. But he’s the president. It’s his call.

I glance at the clubhouse. “We kept it small-ish. Just family. Trinity’s been working on the menu for a week.”

He huffs a laugh. “Have a feeling he’ll be surprised to see her.”

“You worried Grinder won’t be pleased about the changes?”

“No.” Rock’s stare and voice turn distant. “This is what he always wanted the club to be.”

“Think he’ll be surprised you haven’t killed me yet?”

I’m kidding, but Rock’s expression turns troubled.

“Don’t turn those pity eyes on me, Prez,” I warn. “I was only joking.”

“Pity eyes, my ass,” he grumbles, shouldering past me to head for his SUV.

Big, fat, lazy snowflakes drift toward the ground.

“Watch the roads,” I warn. “If you’re going the back way, highway departments probably haven’t salted them yet.”

He stops and turns slightly. “Are you giving me driving advice? Who taught you how to ride?”

I shrug. “Sucks that it’s such a shit day for him to get out.”

“I’m sure he doesn’t give a fuck about the weather. Freedom’s the only thing on his mind today.”

“Amen to that.” I catch up to him at the SUV. My fingers curl around the edge of the door, stopping Rock from closing it.

He turns his head and raises an eyebrow. “You realize I’m in a hurry, right?”

“Yeah.” I lean on the door harder. “Ah, is there any chance…does Grinder know? About us?”

His gaze scans the area over my shoulder before returning to my face. “You make it sound like a secret affair.”

I snort. “That might be less complicated.”

“Jesus,” he mutters. “No, I don’t have any reason to think he knows. Unless you told him on one of your visits?”

“No fucking way.” The corner of his right eye twitches—a sign I’ve hurt or maybe surprised him? “I mean, I wouldn’t bring that up there…or with anyone before I talk to…you know who.”

His gaze slides away. Guilt? Something else? Whatever it is, Rock will never admit it. I release the door. “Go get him, Prez. Bring Grinder home. It’s been a long time.”

“See you soon.”

He climbs into his SUV and throws me a quick wave as he drives away. Then I head inside the clubhouse. My gaze scans the room, seeking one person. A pale beam of sunlight filters through the window, landing on Charlotte, illuminating her red hair in its glow. Appropriate.

She turns. Her dark red lips curve into a smile. She raises her hand, giving me a slight wave.