
The party had gone wellinto the night. Charlotte’s up before me the next morning. As I stumble into the kitchen, she greets me with a sunny smile.

“Whoa.” I stop and stare. “What are you wearing?”

She runs her hand over the sheer dress covering a tiny two-piece swimsuit. “A bathing suit.”

“We don’t have a pool. Where are you planning to swim?”

“You don’t like it? I got it for our honeymoon but thought I’d try it out now.” She gestures toward the kitchen window. Sunlight streams in, bathing the room in a warm morning glow. “I was just going to sit outside for a few minutes and get a little sun.”

“Sun? Sunshine, you burn like a marshmallow.”

“I know. But last night when we moved the party out to the bonfire, we were talking and Trinity said she read this article about women who don’t get enough vitamin D can have fertility problems and…” Her voice trails off and her bright smile fades.

“Hey.” I curl my hands over her hips and pull her close. “You worried about that?”

“Well, I’m in my cave-like office all day.” She flicks her wrist toward the clubhouse. “All the parties are at night. I don’t know.”

I curl my fingers around her wrist and shift her hand to my cock. “You need vitamin D, all you gotta do is ask, Sunshine.”

Sweet laughter explodes out of her, and I recite a quick prayer of thanks that my corny horndog jokes still crack her up. “That’s better.”

She leans into me, pressing her palms against my chest, and stares up. “Want to sunbathe with me? I know you work outside all the time but—”

“I’d love nothing more.” I slide my hand down her back and squeeze her ass. “Especially if you’re in this.” I take her hand and run my thumb over her engagement ring. Can’t wait to add a wedding band. Already bought it. “Trin said you’re thinking of a white wedding dress?”

Her eyebrows pinch together. “Too traditional? It’s stupid, right? It’ll get dirty, and—”

“Stop. Wear whatever you want. You’ll be beautiful.” I pull back and run my gaze over her. “You look hot in white.”

Her smile returns. I rest a finger under her chin and tip her head up. “I like seeing my girl happy.”

“I’m happy.” She slides her arms around my waist and squeezes. “You make me very happy.”

“Are you relieved everything’s out in the open and we don’t have to censor ourselves anymore?”

“Honestly, yes.”

“I’m sorry I made you do that.”

Her mouth slips into a serious line. “I’d do anything for you, Marcel.”

I pat her butt again. “I’m going upstairs to change. Meet you outside?”


Upstairs, I find a pair of swim trunks I haven’t used since our visit to National. Damn shame it’s been that long since I’ve seen Charlotte prance around in a bathing suit.

I find her on a lounge chair underneath the pergola Murphy helped me install. She has the netting on all four sides open, but the thing still has a roof. “How is that getting you any vitamin D?” I ask.

She shields her eyes and glances up at me. “The sun. It burns.”

Shaking with laughter, I drop onto her chair next to her. It’s sturdy. Meant for two people. We’ve put it to the test plenty of times.

Farther back in the yard, the chickens cluck and warble. Wind rustles through the forest, swaying the branches of a pine tree that’s closer to us than I prefer. I should go get my chainsaw and take that fucker down.

Not today.