“I guess they’ll find out at the wedding.” Marcel shrugs. “New name and all.”

Stash squints at us. “You’re taking Charlotte’s last name?”

“No, dipshit.” Marcel jerks his thumb at me. “His.”

“You’re marrying Rock?” Rav asks.

“Did you all inhale Sparky’s stash of edibles before sitting at the table today?” Wrath asks.

Grinder turns to me, an amused smirk twitching somewhere under his full beard. “You should probably put it in the bylaws that brothers can’t come to the table high.”

“Why are you here again, Grandpa?” I sneer.

“I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.”

Stash wags a finger between Grinder and me. “Wait, is Grinder your dad, too?”

“No,” I growl.

“All right.” Z claps his hands and stands. “That’s enough genetics for bikers for today.”

“Wait.” Dex presses his palms toward the table, motioning for everyone to stay put. “Rock, are you worried this changes how we feel about you at the head of the table? Because I’ll tell you right now, it doesn’t.”

“Yeah, boss,” Bricks adds. “We’ve always known Teller and Murphy were your favorites—”

“Hey,” Wrath interrupts.

“But I think I can confidently speak for everyone when I say…” Bricks stops to glance at each of his brothers. “That we trust you. Trust you with our lives, Prez. No matter who’s related to you.”

I swallow hard and take a second to respond. “Thank you.”

Birch raises his hand. “I’m with Rav on this one. I assumed you were Teller’s dad all along.”

“Same, honestly,” Hoot says.

I can’t help it. Laughter explodes from me. Fucking hell. “That’s great.”

“Oh, fuck! Your first time—the babysitter story!” Rav snaps his fingers together. “That was Teller’s mom?”

“Jesus Christ,” Z mutters. “Are you that fucking slow?”

“If you think about it, it’s kinda cool,” Rav says. “If Rock ever leaves us, we’ll have a spare.”

“That’s…” I don’t even know how to respond. “Heartwarming. Thanks.”

Sparky wiggles his hand in the air in a swimming-fish motion. “You must’ve had some super-swimmer sperm awfully young.”

Why didn’t I dismiss everyone when I had the chance?

Z snorts and rolls his eyes at Sparky. “You’re just jealous because yours swim in circles.”

Ignoring Z, Sparky lobs another question. “Does Hope know?”

I nod once. “She had the pleasure of telling us.”

“Aw, man. And she never seemed stressed about it either. And she still tolerates Teller’s annoying face up in your biz all the time. So that’s good.” Sparky shakes his head. “Wait, does that mean…” He stops like he’s rubbing his last two brain cells together really hard. “You guys found out back when we took that test to find out if we were the baby daddy of Inga’s kid?”

“Boy, you don’t miss a thing,” Wrath deadpans.