“Not so great.”

“You’re not feeling any urge to use, are you?”

“I wouldn’t even know where to get it here.”

“It’s never hard to find if you’re looking, but you’re not looking, and that’s what matters. You’re doing the right thing by reaching out for support.”

“I’m afraid they’re going to hate me for the many ways I failed them and their mother. Carolina says they don’t have it in them to hate anyone, but there’s a first time for everything.”

“They won’t hate you, Jace. If you tell them the story the same way you told us, they may have questions, but they won’t hate you.”

“I’ve just gotten them back in my life. If I lose that connection now…”

“You won’t. If you tell them how you never stopped loving them or their mom and that you’re sorry for everything that happened, that’ll mean a lot to them.”

Jace had tears in his eyes as he listened to her. “Yeah, that’s true.”

“Just keep it simple with them. They’re still quite young, so the deeper meaning might be lost on them.”

“That’s true. Thank you for the words of wisdom. I was spinning a bit when I found out this was going to happen today. I thought I had years before I’d have to deal with this.”

“In a way, it might be a blessing in disguise. If they found out when they were older and wiser, they might react differently—and not in your favor. This way, they learn the truth when they’re young enough to still be forgiving.”

“I hadn’t thought of it that way, but you’re right.”

“I usually am,” she said with a laugh. “Just ask Quinn.”

Jace laughed as he wiped tears from his eyes.

“Are you going to be all right?”

“I hope so.”

“Will you call or text me later if you need to?”

“I will.”

“I know you’re programmed to believe otherwise, but you’re a good man, Jace. Your sons will see the work you’ve done to turn your life around, and one day, they’ll respect you for it.”

“I hope so.”

“They will. I promise.”

“Thank you, Mallory. I appreciate this more than you’ll ever know.”

“I’m glad you reached out. I’m always here.”

“I’ll see you in the morning.”

“We’ll be there.”

After they said their goodbyes, Jace sat for a long time on the bench, staring out at the endless ocean and trying to find the words he would need to tell his sons the truth. He thought of Cindy and sent her a quick text. Something came up. Might not make it home before work. Will see you later.

He needed to fill her in on what was happening, but he’d rather tell her in person. As he got up to catch a cab to Seamus and Carolina’s, he could only hope that the next time he saw her, he wouldn’t be completely shattered.

Cindy receivedJace’s text as she walked to the Sand & Surf Hotel to see Laura and Owen. She hoped whatever had come up wasn’t bad news for Jace, right when things seemed to be moving in an interesting direction for them. She hated the niggling feeling of distrust that came rushing to the surface after she received that text.

Something had come up.