“You know full well that you’re an A plus. You don’t need me to tell you that.”

“Yes, I do, and an A plus, huh? That’s impressive. I think that’s my first-ever A plus.”

“If you were any more of an A plus, I wouldn’t be able to move today.”

“It was pretty fun, huh?” he asked, kissing her neck and firing her up all over again, as if she hadn’t had more orgasms than she could count in the last eight hours.

“Yes, it was.” More fun than she’d ever had with any man, that was for certain.

“You still want to go to the beach, or might you be interested in a nap?”

“Like a sleeping nap or some other kind of nap?”

“I had no idea your mind was so dirty.”

“It’s not!”

Jace cracked up. “It’s a little dirty.”

“You’re a bad influence on me.”

He pulled back to look at her, seeming stricken. “Am I?”

“In the best possible way.” She drew him into a kiss. “I needed you to shake things up for me, and you did that. And then some.”

“Does that mean that what went down between us isn’t a regular occurrence for you?”

“Ah, no. I haven’t been with anyone in ages, and when I have done… well, that… it wasn’t like… well, that.”

“I think I followed that, and there was a compliment in there somewhere.”

Cindy was so tired, she could barely see straight, let alone engage in a verbal sparring match that she was certain to lose.

When Jace’s phone rang, he groaned and pulled back from her to withdraw it from his pocket. “It’s Seamus. I need to take this.”

“Go ahead.”

Jace kept his arm around her when he took the call. “Hey, what’s up?”

Only because she was standing so close to him did she hear what Seamus said. “I need to see you. Can you come by the office? Like, now?”

His entire body went rigid with tension. “Yeah, sure. Is everything okay? The boys…”

“They’re fine, but we need to talk.”

“I’ll be right there.”


Jace put the phone back in his pocket. “What the hell is this now?”

“He said the boys are all right, and that’s what matters.”

“Yeah, true.”

Cindy hugged him. “Do you want me to go with you?”

“No, you don’t have to. I’m sure you’ve got your own stuff to do.”

“I need to get to the Surf for some haircuts while I can still string together a sentence coherently.”

He kissed her forehead and then her lips. “I see a nap in our future before work. Meet you back here in a bit?”

“I’ll see you then. Call me if, you know, you need anything after seeing Seamus.”

“I will.” He stole one more kiss before he headed for the door.

Cindy hoped that whatever was going on with Seamus wouldn’t cause new grief for Jace. He’d had more than enough already.