“I suppose it wouldn’t be obvious to either of us since we know each other from a bar.”

Niall grunted out a laugh. “True.”

“Not playing tonight?” John asked.

“Mostly weekends this time of year.”

John could listen to his Irish accent all day. “What do you do the rest of the time?”

“I work at Island Breeze Studios as a backup musician.”

“That’s cool.”

“I guess,” Niall said. “I left a pretty big career back in Ireland to come here, hoping to break out in the US, but so far, it’s not proceeding according to plan.”

“I’m sure it just hasn’t happened yet, because you’re crazy talented.”


“How did I not know there was a recording studio on the island?”

“It’s owned by Evan McCarthy.”

“Ah, okay.”

“He grew up here. His folks own the marina in New Harbor.”

Evan’s father was Big Mac, who wanted to see John about the security job. “My brother and sister are married to Evan’s cousins. I knew them from when we came here as kids.”

“That must’ve been fun.”

“It was,” John said wistfully. “It was the best part of our childhood. My grandparents owned the Sand & Surf. My siblings and I came every year the day after school ended.”

“Your parents didn’t come?”

John shook his head. “No, just us.”

“How fun. Did the grandparents spoil you guys?”

“Like crazy.” The only good memories John had from those miserable years were created on this island.

“Are they still living?”

“They are. They’re living in a cottage at my mom’s place and doing great in their mid-eighties.”

“That’s amazing.”

“We’ve told them they need to live forever because we can’t imagine life without them.”

“That’s very sweet. You’re lucky to have them.”

“And we know it. How about you? Is there a big family missing you in Ireland?”

“Not so much. I was adopted out of foster care when I was eleven, and my folks are getting on in years. I get home once or twice a year to see them, and FaceTime and such.”

John had so many questions he wanted to ask about the first eleven years of Niall’s life, but since he didn’t offer more information, John didn’t press him.

“Hey, would you be interested in a home-cooked meal?”