“As well as can be expected with four babies on board.”

“Four. How does that even work, anyway?”

Mallory laughed. “You wouldn’t think it was possible, but it is. I expect her to be seriously uncomfortable in the last trimester.”

“I can’t imagine that. They had to be so shocked to get that news.”

“They were, especially because she was told she had almost no chance of conceiving.”

“I had a friend in Texas with PCOS like Abby has, and it was miserable. She’s still hoping to get pregnant.” Polycystic ovary syndrome had caused fertility challenges for Abby.

“That’s so rough. Abby is trying to count her blessings while coping with the shock of it all. Considering her struggles, it’s hard to see this pregnancy as anything other than a miracle.”

“If you’re us, that is. For her, not so miraculous right now.”

“No,” Mallory said, smiling. “But it will be after the babies arrive.”

“Is everyone asking you when you’re going to have one since the wedding?”

“We’re old!” Mallory said with a snort, her dark eyes dancing with laughter. “I think that ship has sailed for us.”

“You’re not old!”

“We’re both forty-one.”

“Forty is the new thirty.”

“Tell that to my moldy old eggs as you’re coloring my gray hairs.”

Cindy laughed. “Stop that. You’re not old.”

“I guess we’ll see what happens. We’re not doing anything to stop it, so if it’s meant to be, it’ll be.”

“That’s very exciting. I’m so happy for you that everything worked out so well for you guys.”

“Thank you. We both had a lot of hard times before we got to the good stuff, but I guess all that makes what we have now that much sweeter.”

“I’m sure it does.”

“What about you? Have you met anyone on Gansett who interests you?”

Cindy thought immediately of the sexy bartender at the Beachcomber who’d become a good friend, as she sat night after night at his bar. “There’s this one guy…”

“Do tell!”

“He’s very nice, sexy as all hell and funny, too.”

“Sounds like the perfect man.”

Cindy shrugged. “Maybe.”

“What’s the hang-up?”

“I’m not sure. We see each other just about every day.” Mostly because she couldn’t seem to work up the willpower to stay away from his bar. What did it say about her that she was sad to know she wouldn’t see him on his nights off? “Lots of subtle flirting and stuff like that, and I’m pretty sure he likes me, too, but it never goes beyond that.”

“Hmm. You could invite him to do something.”

“I could, but I guess I was sort of hoping he might be the one to ask.”