Page 102 of Resilience After Dark

Jeff was caught off guard by the swell of emotion that hit him when Mac said that about his brother and sisters. “They’re…” He cleared his throat. “They’re the best.”

“Yes, they are.”

“You… You should know… I’m in recovery from a drug issue I had when I was younger. I’ve been clean for nine years and work the program religiously.”

“Thank you for letting me know. I don’t foresee that being any kind of problem.”

“It won’t be.”

“Then we ought to be fine. Stop by my office in town tomorrow to see Julia about the paperwork. I’ll text her to let her know you’ll be in.”

“I, ah, probably ought to tell my family there’s been a change in plans before you do that.”

“Let me give you my number. Text me when the word is out, and I’ll follow up with Julia.”

Jeff punched in the numbers Mac recited and added him to his contacts. “Thank you again for this. You won’t be sorry you gave me a chance.”

Mac held out his hand. “Looking forward to working with you.”

Jeff shook his hand. “Likewise, sir.”

“Knock that shit off.”

“I’ll try, sir.”

“Try harder. My brother Adam runs a computer business on the island. You might want to check in with him, too, so you can keep your hand in your chosen field during your stay on the island.”

“I’ll do that. Thank you for everything.”

“Sure thing. Make yourself at home until Kelsey gets back.”

Jeff took advantage of the time to compose a text to his family. Slight change of plan, y’all. I’ve decided to spend the year here on Gansett and will be working for Mac McCarthy’s construction company. Having you all nearby has been amazing. Looking forward to some good times this winter. Josh—get your ass to Gansett. We’re having all the fun without you!

His mother responded first. Didn’t I just cosign on an apartment for you in Tampa?

Working on getting out of that as we speak and hoping I can rent a room from you and Charlie for a while longer.

Our home is your home but figure out that lease situation!

Will do.

Is this about a girl named Kelsey by any chance?Cindy asked.

In part. It’s also about you guys and Gansett and how fun it is to be here together.

But mostly about Kelsey,John said with laughing emojis. While we’re talking about plans, meet the new director of security at the Wayfarer. Year-round gig that’s mostly four months of hard work.

Julia responded with, Congrats, Johnny! That’s awesome!

Your old Granny and Gramps are so happy to have you all here in our favorite place, Adele said. Best news ever. Josh, honey, we need you here to make it perfect.

No pressure, right? Josh responded. I’ll come visit soon. I promise. Congrats, Jeff and John. Happy for you guys!

His phone was still buzzing with texts from his family when the slider opened to admit Kelsey, carrying little Mac as Thomas and Hailey trailed behind her. When she smiled at him, he was one hundred percent sure he was doing the right thing spending this year on Gansett.

“Am I late?” she asked.

“No, I got here a little early.” He walked over to her and took baby Mac from her. “Can I help?”