
After she heard the door close as he left, she reached for her phone to text her sisters. I need a sister meeting. I’ll provide the coffee. Bring me something decadent to eat. It’s that kind of morning.

Katie wrote back immediately. Color me intrigued.

Likewise,Julia said. Pupwell and I are on the way. Will stop at the diner for the decadence.

Yessss!Cindy replied.

How lovely was it to have her sisters nearby when she needed them? She had to tell someone about her night with Jace, and there’s no one she’d rather tell than them. After two more sips of coffee, she reluctantly put the mug aside and forced herself out of bed, groaning as she walked on aching legs to the shower.

“Girlfriend is out of shape,” she muttered.

The hot water on her aching muscles was blissful. After the shower, she felt a tiny bit more alive than she had before but was still dragging when her sisters arrived twenty minutes later.

Katie took one look at her and said, “You look like something the cat dragged out—all night long.”

“It wasn’t quite all night, but damned close.”

“Oh!” Julia put a bag from the diner on the table. “Do tell!”

Cindy poured coffee for her sisters and ice water for herself. “Jace kissed me, and one thing led to another, which led to pretty much all damned night, and now I can barely walk.”

“Girl!” Julia did a little happy dance around the tiny kitchen. “It’s about freaking time!”

“Tell us everything,” Katie said. “Was it good?”

“If it was any better, I might not have survived it.”

“That’s the best kind of good,” Julia said with a knowing grin. “That’s how I knew Deacon was the one for me. I never get tired of it with him. In the past, I’d be mentally composing my grocery list after twenty minutes. With him, I’m not thinking of anything else.”

“You did not make a grocery list!” Katie said.

“I did, because I was so bored.”

“I wasn’t making any grocery lists last night,” Cindy said. “I could barely remember my own name for most of it.”

“Ah, I love that,” Katie said. “That’s how it ought to be.”

“This is so exciting!” Julia opened take-out containers to reveal freshly baked muffins and a side of Rebecca’s delicious breakfast potatoes.

“Thank you so much,” Cindy said, diving into a corn muffin. “I’m famished.”

“Sexual marathons burn a lot of calories,” Julia said.

“You ought to know,” Katie said. “She went ‘missing’ for days when she and Deacon first got together.”

Julia stuck out her tongue at her twin. “We were getting to know each other.”

“Is that what it’s called?” Katie asked.

“It hasn’t been that long since you first got together with Shane,” Julia said. “You remember what that’s like.”

“It’s still like that, even after we got married,” Katie said. “When we’re together, I don’t need anything or anyone else.”

“I love that for you,” Cindy said.

“Now you have it, too,” Julia said.