
“Ah, I think I know him.”

“Right. From AA. He’s been hanging out at my mom’s the last month or so.”

Jace nodded. “He’s a fine young man.”

“I’m glad you think so. We adore him.”

“Your brother John is a good dude, too.”

“He is. It’s been so fun to have them here. We’re hoping Josh will join us at some point, and then the gang will all be here.”

“Why here?” he asked as he got up to check the chicken on the grill.

“My grandparents, who are my mother’s parents, owned the Surf for more than fifty years, and we spent summers with them growing up. It was the only break we got from the madness at home. Except for when my dad deployed, that is.”

“He was in the military?”

“A general in the air force.”

“Oh damn. Wow.”

“Which is why no one ever did anything about the bruises they saw on the Lawry kids or reported him to the authorities. He wielded so much power in every community we lived in.”

“That’s horrible. I’m so glad he’s paying for his crimes now.”

“We are, too. I still wake up every day and almost can’t believe that justice was served, along with a heavy dose of humiliation. He would tell us all the time that our family’s business was private, and we’d better never get caught ‘telling tales out of school.’ That was one of his favorite expressions. His trial got a lot of media attention. That was the best part for us. That he was publicly humiliated and the sterling reputation he was so proud of was ruined forever.”

“That’s the least of what he deserved.”

Cindy smiled at him. “Thanks for listening to all that. I don’t usually unload the whole story on new people.”

“I’m happy to listen any time, and I’m not exactly new. We’ve been friends for weeks.”


“I do think of you as a good friend, Cindy. I hope you know that.”

“I’m glad, and likewise. I enjoy our chats at the bar.”

“I do, too. Talking to you makes the night go by too quickly. I always want more time to talk to you.” He absolutely loved the way her face flushed with color when he said things like that to her. “We need to have a new rule.”

“What rule?”

“Nothing but fun in this house. None of the bad stuff, unless someone calls time-out to talk about something.”

“I like that rule.”

“We’ve both had enough of the bad stuff. It’s time for good things.” He held up his glass to her. “Here’s to the good stuff.”

She touched her glass to his. “Cheers.”