Page 148 of Resilience After Dark

“Will do. Thanks for the lift.”

John got out of the car and waved to his brother as he drove away. He was glad to see Jeff doing so well and settling into a healthy relationship. Jeff’s suicide attempt had scared the hell out of them, and to see him thriving was such a relief. Like so many things in their lives, that, too, was thanks to the involvement of their amazing grandparents.

The story Russ and Adele had told him about Russ’s brother had weighed heavily on John’s heart and mind the last few days. He was so incredibly thankful for the unwavering support of his family and knew how lucky that made him.

He stepped into Stephanie’s Bistro, where he was due to meet Niall, and looked around for him.

Already seated at a table, Niall waved him over.

John’s heart beat a slow tempo as he crossed the crowded dining room and took a seat across from Niall. For once, he didn’t care who saw them together or who might make something of it. All the people in his life who mattered had given him their unconditional love and support, freeing him to fully enjoy this evening with a new friend who might turn out to be more than that.

“How’s it going?” Niall asked in the sexy Irish accent that had first caught John’s attention at the Beachcomber weeks ago.

“It’s going better than it ever has, actually.”

“Is that right. How so?”

“Well, everyone who’s anyone in my life knows the truth. I’ve landed a fabulous new job that’ll have me working my ass off in the summer with a relaxed schedule the rest of the year. I’ve got ninety-five percent of my family living nearby, and I’m making some fun new friends.”

“Wow, you’re having a good week.”

“Best week ever.”

“Where’s the new job?”

“Right here on Gansett.” Was it his imagination, or did Niall perk up when he said that? “Managing security for the Wayfarer.”

“Oh, that’s cool. I heard they need that after a wild season.”

“That’s what I was told. But like I said to Mr. McCarthy, drunk and disorderly people aren’t usually pointing guns, so it’ll be a relief from what I’m used to on the job.”

“Did you see a lot of guns pointed at you when you were a cop?”

“A lot more than I ever expected when I started out. The domestic situations were particularly hairy that way.”

“I give you so much credit for doing that work. I wouldn’t have the stomach for it.”

“Your talents would be wasted in any other job but the one you have.”

“Thank you. It’s still fun, so that’s something. I’d love to see it go beyond playing in bars on Gansett and recording at Evan’s studio, but so far, that hasn’t happened.”

“It hasn’t happened yet. Doesn’t mean it won’t.”


The waiter came by to take John’s drink order and to run down the specials. He asked for Maker’s Mark bourbon on the rocks.

“Bourbon, huh?” Niall asked, smiling.

“You can’t live in Tennessee for long and not develop a taste for such things.”

“I’ll take your word for that. I’m more of a Guinness kind of guy myself.”

“So I’ve noticed.”

When the waiter returned with John’s drink, Niall held up his glass. “Here’s to new friends.”

John touched his glass to Niall’s. “To new friends.”