Page 111 of Resilience After Dark

“So am I. But I want you to talk to me about these insecurities so I can try not to do anything to make them worse.”

“That’s a complicated topic, and you’ve already had a complicated day.”

“I’ve got room for more. Talk to me. I want to understand.”

Cindy tried to gather her thoughts. “Like everything in the Lawry kids’ lives, it goes back to our father, who never minced words in telling us the things he didn’t like about us. He’d tell my sisters and me that men were going to take advantage of us because we were pretty and good for only one thing.”

Jace’s face went flat with shock. “He did not say that.”

“Yes, he did, and so many other horrible things, such as ‘no man is ever going to be interested in your brain, so I’m not paying to send you to college.’”

“I’d like to kick him in the balls for saying such a thing to you guys. That’s horrible—and not true. You want to know the first thing I liked about you?”

“Um, sure.”

“It was how you’re always smiling and happy and in a good mood. I very quickly started to look forward to you coming in because you’re like a ray of sunshine, lighting up my world. And that was before I got to know you and found so many other things to like.”

“That’s very sweet of you to say.”

“It’s true, and soon, I couldn’t get enough of talking to you about everything and nothing. The fact that you’re gorgeous didn’t hurt anything, but it wasn’t the first thing I noticed.”

“You want to hear a confession?”


“I’ve never spent that much time in a bar in my life.”

Jace laughed as he tipped her chin up for a kiss. “I sort of guessed that by the way you guzzle water.”

“With lemon. Don’t forget that.”

“Fanciest cocktail I’ve ever made for anyone.”

“Sure it is.”

“I hope you know how much your friendship has meant to me since I came here, knowing no one, but wanting to live closer to my boys.”

“Your friendship has meant just as much to me. I came for a visit and ended up staying indefinitely. And now I have this whole new life here that I’m really enjoying.”

“Any part in particular?” he asked as he kissed her neck.

“Well, there’s this sexy bartender I’ve taken a liking to. He makes a mean ice water, but he’s not very good at checkers.”

“Hey! That’s because you cheat when I’m not looking.”

“I do not!”

“I’m going to look at the security footage.”

“You go right ahead. You won’t see anything but raw skill on the video.”

Smiling, he kissed her again. “Thanks for this. I needed it after today.”

“I know it might seem hard to believe right now, but soon this will be a distant memory to the boys. If you keep showing up for them, they’ll accept you as their father and allow you to play a role in their lives.”

“I plan to keep showing up for them.”

“That’s all you have to do. It’ll matter to them that you told them the truth when they asked. Take it from someone whose father never showed up for her. That will mean everything to them.”