I stiffened, tried to move away, but his arms looped around my waist. “Isla. Why didn’t you stay with Harrison and Finn? Why did you run to here, of all places?”
“My sister called me to tell me my ex had a new passport and was on his way to Vegas. I didn’t know what to do. Telling him I was married to someone else once I was back in England was easy. But I didn’t want him confronting Harrison when he had done something nice for me.”
“Harrison would have protected you, so would Finn.” He hesitated for a moment and placed his index finger under my chin. “But you never answered the question. Why here? Why Omega Island?”
I chewed at the corner of my lip, shrugged and said, “I thought it would be fun.”
“Are you lying to me? Because Finn won’t be the only one making your ass red if I find out that isn’t true.”
My eyes shot open, and I pushed away from him—not that I got very far. His firm hold kept me close.
“I can do whatever I want. I don’t belong to anyone. Just because your pack wants me doesn’t mean I want your pack. This is just sex, because I like it.” My voice was a mixture of huffing and hissing.
King pulled me to him, his nose nuzzling around my hair as he purred. “You smell delicious, and if you think we’re going to let you go because you’re scared because of your experience, you really need to let that idea go.”
“You are so bossy, maybe I’m an independent woman who can look after herself,” I said, wanting to cross my arms over my chest and pout at him, but he still held me tight in his arms.
King roared with laughter and lifted my face, staring at me, his laughter disappeared. “And we won’t clip your wings.”
My stomach flipped hearing that because it was the opposite of what Noah wanted, and I sighed, my eyes closed for a moment before I looked into King’s gaze.
“My heat is about to start. I thought omega island was a good place to get through it.”
“That is why your perfume is so strong. How soon?” he said.
“I thought it would have started already? My body has been on the precipice for days.”
“You need more than me to get you through this. You need my pack, because I am not sharing you with any of the other alphas here.”
“This is my choice, King, not yours.”
“The moment you came into my life, Isla. You became mine and whatever I have—my pack has.”
“I came to get pregnant?” I admitted, chewing my lip in anticipation of his reaction. “Not to anyone in particular, just an anonymous alpha who never needed to know.”
I waited for him to shout at me for trying to trap him, not that I was trying to trap him, per se. I was planning on walking away and never knowing the sperm donor to tell them the truth.
This was one way for him to leave me.
“And you were going to walk away from me?” King said, trying to control his voice. “Take my child away and never let me know.”
“Not you. I came here for the alpha I thought was going to give me what I wanted. Don’t take it personally. I wasn't planning on knowing who the father was. I was planning to go into the virtual chase room when it hit,” I whispered. “In fact, you’re being presumptuous to think it will be your baby.”
“It will be mine,” he said. “I’ve been waiting for this moment all my life. My pack wants this.”