Page 45 of Isla

I tapped onto the keyboard: blonde hair, sunglasses, laptop. The earlier times I had watched her around the pool, I saw she always took a laptop and an e-reader with her.

My stomach dropped as none of the results returned showed Isla. I picked up the phone and dialled the front desk.

“Hello, Mr Weston, Shayla speaking. Can I help you?”

“We have a guest booked into the honeymoon suite by the name of Isla Silvers. Has she booked herself on any excursions today?”

There was tapping over her keyboard and she clucked her tongue. “Ah yes, you mean Mr and Mrs Nichols, because Mr Nichols called yesterday to check his fiancee was still in the hotel, he wants to surprise her.”

“And you gave that information to him?” I asked, knowing the answer.

She cleared her throat. “It’s his fiancee.”

“Did he prove that?” I growled.

“No, but...”

“And have you seen Ms Silvers today?”

“Yes, Ms Silvers...” She stopped talking, placing her hand over the receiver to muffle her voice before she returned and cleared her throat again. “She left around ten this morning.”

“To go where?” I pushed.

“I don’t know. Kelly told me she was checking out, so she had to tell her that her fiance was on his way to stop her from leaving. Kelly didn’t want to ruin the surprise for her but had to tell her so she would stay, but Miss Silvers checked out, anyway.”


“Don’t tell him she’s checked out of the hotel. Give him the room key and act normal,” I said, disconnecting and slamming the phone on the table.

Me: Get back here now. We have a situation.

Harrison: Yeah, I watched him come into the hotel. Busy night.

Me: Noah?

Harrison: No, Ian Hoults. He has just checked into the hotel.

Fuck, that was all we needed.

Ian Hoults was banned from the casino for a year. We believed he was reading cards at the poker table, yet we had no actual proof. That was a few years ago now and the system I had today would detect his illegal ways, but then, not so much. After I banned Ian, we never saw him for a couple of years. Of all days, today was the day he returned.

Me: Isla’s left. Her ex-fiance is on his way to the hotel. Get back here.

It didn’t take Harrison long to get back to our residence.

“King’s case has wrapped up, but Ronaldo wants to take him out to dinner tonight. He’ll be back in the morning and he’ll be pissed that we didn’t hold on to the omega,” Harrison said as soon as he walked through the door. “Have you checked the other hotel bookings in Vegas? Single female, booked in today, in case she gives a false name.”

“I’ve checked the master booking file and I’m waiting for two hotels to confirm,” I said as I tried to think of the best way to search for Isla.

“And check the outside cameras for the number of the cab she took.”

“I’ve got a better idea,” I said, tapping into the hotel Wi-Fi server, and clicking on Isla’s room number. Most guests used the free Wi-Fi service, not the more security conscience and high-profile guests. They always used their own.

I guessed Isla was in the category of using the hotel Wi-Fi. And I was right, and the system quickly dispatched every transaction she made. I studied the list for a moment, syphoning away the websites she used to read books and job applications.

“She was supposed to go to the Bahamas on honeymoon, but she cancelled it,” I said.

Harrison nodded lightly. “Too hard for her to go.”