Istaredbackat myself, and I looked a mess. As much as I scrubbed the makeup off my face before I left that gorgeous room, I still looked sparkly and felt clammy.
It was hot in Vegas and I really should have showered and changed before I left the room. But looking good wasn’t what I needed to do—getting drunk was.
I dragged the dress lower because I cut off far too much as I sat in Carmel’s car, but luckily, she saved my dignity by trimming the back when I got to the airport. Remembering Carmel and the help she gave me before I left her and ran for my flight. She saved my skin, and I really wanted to help her out.
I promised her I would look her up once I was back in England, so we could go for a drink together. But I'd already sent a text to Sienna to contact her when I was at the airport. I wanted her to meet other omegas who were having a fantastic time, because I knew Carmel wasn’t living her best life.
Then again, I only started living my best life when I embraced being an omega. When I realised what an alpha could do for me.
Pity I wasn’t enough for Noah.
Another text pinged on my phone, making me laugh to myself. I opened it up, not expecting anything other than all the other texts.
They started with the pleasant:
Where are you?
Are you okay?
Why did you leave?
Eventually the texts escalated to: Where the fuck are you?
I checked the message as I walked out of the bathroom.
Noah: Why did you take my fucking passport?
My nose twitched as I looked for the cookies. It was the moment that I realised I hadn’t eaten since I had a snack on the plane. I fell asleep by the time the food arrived. Which, to be honest, was a damn shame, because Noah booked us into business class seats and that was a first for me and I really should have made the most of it because it was never happening again.
But the wedding had stressed me and by the time I sat in my seat on the plane, all I wanted to do was sleep it off as I tried to keep my growing heat at bay.
So I gulped back two glasses of free champagne, or at least free to me—Noah paid a fortune for them. I then fell asleep for most of the flight. Waking up an hour before landing and continued reading my current read, which was a fantasy romance book about three dragons shifters and their need to find the last princess, coax her from her castle and breed her. She was the only omega who would save their clan from extinction.
But she was a very lucky girl, because the dragons were enormous—everywhere—making her scream.
Ecstasy, not pain—just clarifying.
I really wanted to feel that glow again and soon.
Where was I—sex? No, oh yes—cookies.
I needed food before I drank any more of that tequila. It was too nice and went down far too easily. It burned my throat at first, but after a few drinks I got used to it. Now it just gave a little tingle, but I knew it would catch up with me if I didn’t eat soon.
Glancing around the room for a quiet table, because I didn’t feel like talking. I found a quiet corner and pushed myself into the booth. Tonight, all I wanted was food, peace, and more alcohol. I could make the excuse I was trying to numb the pain but as I sent a text to Noah, I knew I was over him already.
Me: Because you are a cheating, lying piece of shit and I wanted to go on my honeymoon alone.
Slouching into the chair, I picked up the menu, seeing it comprised of the usual stuff, but I really wanted something sweet. I suppose I could pretend I was healthy first and have a salad, then I could have the largest chocolate cake—because I yearned for chocolate since I’d got into this damn hotel.
My body was yearning for the wedding cake I missed out on, but then again, that wasn’t right because Noah picked vanilla.
Chocolate and cookies. Or chocolate chip cookies... mm, that would work.
“Can I sit here?” a man’s voice asked.