Page 86 of Isla

“Nothing... Nothing at all. You never once told me you loved me. You never once looked at me like you looked at Rylan on our wedding day. And you never made me feel special. Nothing. And I deserve more than nothing.”

“Isla,” he whispered. “I was nervous about our wedding day and I do love you.”

“No.” I held my palm to his face as I tapped my index finger of my other hand against my heart. “You don’t and I don’t feel it, it took me to feel it with a stranger to know. It took me to walk away and feel the pain of not being with my alphas to know you never hurt when I left you. Your only concern was for yourself.”

Noah glanced at the floor. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I love Rylan, and I didn’t know what else to do.”

I sighed. “Find a surrogate. Don’t muddy the waters by bringing in an omega that you don’t love. It’s not fair to her.”

“But my father...”

“Your father’s political ambitions can’t ruin your life. He makes his choices and you make yours. Let him disown you. My father disowned me because I won’t marry you.” I shrugged my shoulders. “I’ll live because I got this far without my father’s approval. So I am certain I can keep going.”

Noah picked up my hand and smiled. “I wish I was as strong as you, Isla. I never was, believe it or not, I wanted you.”

“Don’t Noah,” I whispered, not wanting to cry, not wanting him to lie to me. Not now. “I wanted to believe we were on this journey together. I only know now that we travelled different paths.”

“You’re right and I’m sorry.” He dropped my hand and nodded. “I’m going to leave you for a couple of days to calm down and we can speak again. I’ll come back with an offer.“ He hesitated. “I promise I can give you a good life. We can work it out, it isn’t ruined because you married someone.”

Giving me one last smile, he turned and walked away from me. Not giving me the hell I expected, but I would get that the next time. That I was sure. But for now, I was glad to hear the click of shoes on the pavement as they echoed in my ears.

“Oh, my life is already ruined, Noah,” I whispered to myself, rubbing my hand over the aching scar on my shoulder, as I watched him walk away from me. “Something I would have to tell him when he returned. Not today. I didn’t feel brave enough.”

I sighed as I turned and looked at my key in my hand and the indents in my palm from clutching it tight.

“Your life isn’t ruined,” a voice behind me said.

I froze as an icy chill ran down my spine.