Page 3 of Isla

I am upset.

I waited for half an hour and saw Noah walk out of the office block. I went to rise to meet him but noticed he was accompanied by a man I didn’t recognise but assumed worked in the same building.

They laughed together as they strode over the road to the same coffee shop I sat. Laughing much more than he did with me.

I dropped my eyes to the table and sighed. I was marrying this man. A man that screamed at me, but laughed along with a stranger—god that hurt so much.

I pushed myself further into the booth, no longer wanting to talk to him. I’d speak to him later this evening, and hopefully he would give me a damn good excuse.

The laughter with his friend continued as they chatted and ordered their coffee. I tried to hear the conversation, but they silenced their voices.

A couple of minutes later, I peeked a quick look into the cafe just as Noah pushed himself into the booth behind me. Luckily, his back was to me.

“You seem stressed, shouting at that poor girl like you did,” his friend said.

Noah only grunted.

“Do you need me to de-stress you babe?” he asked and my eyes glazed as I tried to swallow a sob.

I exhaled a light breath.

“When are you going to tell her about me?” he asked.

“After the wedding. You know I can’t jeopardise us,” Noah whispered.

“Me or her,” he said.

“Rylan, you know how I feel about you,” my future husband said, and I sucked in a silent sob.

“Two coffees to go,” a lady said. Her voice coming from their direction.

“Cheers,” Noah replied. The booth I sat in shook as he pushed his way out of the seating area behind me.

Panicking because I no longer wanted to see him or speak to him. I grabbed the menu, moved closer to the wall and covered my face, trying not to cry, or at least trying not to sob.

I waited until I heard the door shut before I lowered the menu and watched as they walked away hand in hand together.