Page 33 of Forbidden

I am about to argue, but he doesn’t let me.

“Please think about it. For me.. For us..”

Us!!! Will there ever be ‘us’now? Even if I legally separate from Aarav, can I get married to Mohit and live happily? I don’t know. Even the term called marriage brings bad memories in my head that I want to wash away.

“Tell me you will think about it, Jhanvi, please.”

I swallow weakly, nodding at his request, not realizing where this step will lead me in future?



It’s been two days since Jhanvi left this mansion and though I know where she is, I have done nothing about it. In fact, this is what Aman is worried about and always keeps asking me if I am ever going to bring her back and how?

“You ask too many questions, Aman. And I am bored,” I say, finishing my Juice. It’s breakfast time and since Aman had come home to take my signatures on an important deal, we had it together.

“Bored? Aarav, I am talking about your wife and you are telling me this subject bores you? Are you serious?”

“Very,” I grin, leaning back in the chair. “Don’t think so much, Aman Mathur. Let destiny take its course.”

Aman wipes his lips from the napkin and sighs in disappointment.

“Destiny, huh? Says a man who has never believed in one? Aren’t you those ‘I write my own destinytypes?”

I am!! I am exactly the man who knows he can write his destiny and has been doing the same for the past few years. What was I left with after Dad died? Durga Raichand didn’t let any of her son’s property or tags pass on to me despite being the firstborn. She gave it all to Mohit and taught me one thing.Don’t depend on anyone. If you do, you will always be a beggar.That’s the reason I stopped expecting even God to shower his blessings and luck on me and worked hard day and night to become what I am today.. A successful billionaire at 30. But that doesn’t mean I will forgive and forget what Durga Raichand did with my mother, and one day I am going to make her repent hard. I have nothing to do with mankind. No hope, sympathy or feeling can come in my way to avenge for what's legally mine. It's me, the Forbidden Vs the pride of my grandmother. What she doesn't realize is that I have the same Raichand blood which runs in my family and I'll not back down.

“Jhanvi?” Aman looks behind me at the main door in shock, forcing me to turn around.

Jhanvi is standing at the door in a simple yellow salwar suit, looking absolutely stunning. She has left her hair open, just the way I like. Her dove-shaped eyes lock with mine and the moment our gaze meets, I’m forced to get up from my chair and stride to her. I knew she would return to me and I was being way more patient than I had imagined myself to be, but never in my dreams had I thought that day would come so soon. She is back to me in almost 48 hours.!! Not bad!!

“Mrs. Jhanvi Aarav Raichand,” I say aloud. “What brings you here?”

I stopped almost three feet away from the door. Just giving her the space, she needs. She looks offended at my question first but soon that’s changed into a surprise.

“Aren’t you happy I returned?” she asks.

I grin at her cross question. I don’t grin usually, but with her, it’s always there. I take another step closer.

“What makes you come back tome?”I repeat.

She fiddles with the ends of her dupatta. Women do that when they are nervous. Jhanvi is nervous? Nothing new, but I like her feisty side more.

“I..” she pauses, looks down and then takes a deep breath. “I thought a lot in the past two days. About… you.. about us.”

I keep staring at her face, letting her finish, wondering why my body suddenly heated up when she said ‘us’.

“Remember, you said that my father always wanted me to be your partner. I think.. I think that led me to change my decision.”

I keep staring.

“The two most important people whom I considered my family so far didn’t trust me. I initially thought of flying back to London, away from this place, them and you. But I couldn’t. I don’t think Dad would like that if he was alive. So, if he showed that trust in you, I think I can trust his instincts and..”

“And?” I repeat when she pauses for a painfully long second.

“And,” Jhanvi gulps. “And give this marriage a chance.”

The moment she completes that line, I laugh. I laugh so hard that I don’t think I have ever laughed like that in the past few years. Whilst Jhanvi watches me puzzled, Aman reaches where we both are.