Random number: Roan, beers later? You, me and the crew, so like, nine of us? We’ll try out that sports bar just down from my apartment. Just text me back the time.

My lips lifted in a grin. Clever. So Blake was bringing friends. I didn’t know where he’d found allies and hoped he’d gotten over any issues with Dakota. The bears would be useful. I’d counted seventeen shifters, but there could well be more and that didn’t include Rincoln, who had been absent from the house when I’d staked it out.

Roan: New number, dude? I’m meeting with my father-in-law today. If this is who I think it is, that bar doesn’t open till the 17th.

I hoped they understood my meaning. I had to leave it vague enough that if my phone was taken off me. There could be nothing that would give me up. The messages from my contact were always read and deleted. Habit making sure I left no trace.

Nerves filled me as I made the short drive to the house. There was so much at stake. I couldn’t afford for anything to go wrong. I had to hope that Blake and his allies could trace my location. It would be easy enough to get a general location after sending that text. The house was in the middle of nowhere, an old abandoned looking farm, the rumble of a generator sounding as my motorcycle engine cut off.

Swinging my leg over the bike, I turned to head up to the house, but was halted by two burly alphas. “I’m Roan,” I told them, “Rincoln is expecting me.”

Despite that, they still gave me a firm pat down and, as expected, took my phone. These guys weren’t playing around. They escorted me into the house where Rincoln came upstairs to greet me.

“Perfect timing, Roan. He was out a little longer than expected.” He said cheerfully, like he hadn’t had his only son drugged and kidnapped from his bed.

“Out?” I had to go along with acting clueless and give Blake time to get here.

“Nothing to worry about. Come on, I imagine you’re eager to see him. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

“Too long.”