

“Axel,couldyoubring me my laptop and some files on my desk, please? I’m going to do some work this afternoon while you get to know your brother-in-law a little. He wants us to stay the night again.”

“Chase is going to lose his shit that I’m invited to spend the night again.” He crowed and busted up laughing.

“Try not to be a dick about it. I just need to limit the amount of people that know where Kade’s house is, or I’d swap you out for him.”


I laughed. “You shouldn’t have been so smug. Now hurry and get your ass back here. The doctor and his mate have left.”

“And? You never said what was wrong.”

“It’s still not my place to say. Maybe ask Kade later. It’s good news, though.”

“Well, that’s great. I’ve got us some stuff and got your laptop, so I won’t be long. Try to keep your hands to yourself until I’m back, at least. You two get so lost in your own world, I worry about what could happen without you noticing.”

It was tempting to laugh, but Axel sounded serious and maybe he had a point. “I’ll try.”

I ended the call and went into the kitchen, where Kade was cleaning up after Axel. My brother wasn’t the neatest of cooks, leaving plates and dishes on the side next to the sink.

“Leave them. Axel will do them when he gets back.”

“Will he be long?” Kade tried his hands on a towel and turned to face me.

The space between us was charged with awareness. “Not long enough.” Kade pouted, and we both cracked up.


“Sounds good.”

Kade bustled about, making us tea and looking through some of the baked goods James had left for us. He told me about his Papa, Jasper, how he’d always made muffins on the weekend to last during the week when he was teaching his kindergarten class. They would bake together.

He asked me if I felt like I’d missed out by not being able to go to college. Before everything happened, he was taking classes in finance. “Truthfully? No. The thing is, people assume I dropped out of school and just run the pack, but I actually graduated a full year early. I did night school classes and have a business degree.”

Kade’s mouth gaped. “Seriously?”

I laughed. “Yeah. I had to sell some things to afford the tuition, but all that I learned has helped the business grow, so we’re in a better position than we were.”

“I’m impressed.”

“We all were.” Axel said, walking into the kitchen. He handed over my laptop and some files. “I’ve put your overnight bag in Kade’s room. I hope that’s okay, Kade.”

“It’s fine, thank you Axel. I was thinking…” He took a sip of his mint tea. “Once everything is done with Rincoln, I’ll need some help packing up this place and I’ll need to quit my job.”

“What?” My mind couldn’t wrap itself around what he was saying.

“I guess I’m trying to say that I do want to bond fully with you, just not until this mess with Rincoln is done. There’s just this sense that something big is going to happen and I want to wait until after because it’s likely I’ll have another heat. I don’t want to be vulnerable while he’s still out there. Does that make sense?”

“It does. You don’t have to quit your job, though.”

“Oh, I know,” he said casually. “I want to. I want to focus on the pack and my place in it. As Alpha Mate, I want to be seen to be helping my pack.”

Axel paused where he was backing out of the kitchen. “You are going to be a great Alpha Mate.”

“Hmm, maybe. I feel better about it now that Dr Flemming is pretty sure we can have kids after all.” Kade took another sip of his tea and missed Axel’s eyes widening.