I chuckled and my heart warmed at how readily Dakota’s family had tried to fold me into their group. “I’d love for you to visit. My mate is here with his brother. I’m not sure you’ve met him. Alpha Blake Sweetwater?”

There was a pause over the line. “I believe the pack had dealings with his father and uncle, but I haven’t met the young alpha.”

“Will that be a problem? I can assure you, he’s nothing like the ones before. He’s very supportive of omega rights.” Getting angry at the idea that they had pre-judged Blake before they got to know him, my tone sharpened. I’d been so distracted that I startled when Blake wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

“Do you need anything, my mate?” He asked quietly, and I heard the muttered discussion on the other end of the phone halt.

“Excuse me a second,” I said to Aldrin, pulling the phone from my ear. “I was going to wait for you to have breakfast or brunch since it’s so late.”

Blake went to the fridge and scanned the contents. “I can make omelets if you like?”

He really was the sweetest alpha. “That’d be great, thank you.” I returned to the call. “Sorry, we’ve not been awake long. Will a home visit be okay?”

There was a brief hesitation, and I wondered if they had put me on hold. “We can be there soon if you send me the address.”

I confirmed I would, and we hung up. I watched Blake cook for us, keeping out of the way at the little nook and helping by telling him where things were.

Axel joined us and made his own food while Blake and I ate together at the tiny table, but Blake abandoned his food when there was a knock on the door.

“Kade, would you mind dropping the ward? Healer Flemming is here with his mate.” Blake called from the door.

I went to let the guests in, both standing uneasily in the doorway. Aldrin with a doctor’s bag and James laden with containers of food. I led them to the living room. “I’ll just go put your food in the oven to keep it warm,” Blake said, kissing my cheek and heading for the kitchen.

“Please, finish up what you were eating. We can wait. James has things for your freezer since he’s worried about how thin you are.”

“It’s fine. It’ll keep, and Kade will be too anxious to eat anyway,” Blake said. My mate knew me well already.

James followed Blake to the kitchen, and I sat awkwardly with Aldrin, unsure how to start the conversation.

“Why don’t we do a brief examination while the others are busy?” Aldrin suggested.

“Sounds good.”

Aldrin took some medical equipment out of his bag and went about checking me over. My blood pressure, temperature, and even my reflexes were tested. “Would you mind lying down on the couch and I’ll scan you?”

“Sure.” I wiggled into position and Aldrin laid his hands so they were hovering over me and ran them from my head to my feet, taking extra time over my lower abdomen. As a healer, he had the extra gift that allowed him to see issues within the body. He worked with his alter to scan me with that sense. The process took a few minutes, during which James and Blake returned. Blake took my hand and squeezed it. I could almost feel the reassurance he was trying to push into me.

Aldrin finally removed his hands, and Blake helped me into a sitting position as the healer took a seat in the armchair and noted things in a leather-bound notebook.

Aldrin and James had a mental conversation before turning to me. “It’s good news,” James said cheerfully.

“Yes, my mate is right. I can feel your wolf coming out of their stasis. Your healing is almost at regular shifter levels. I believe you’ve likely seen an improvement in your senses?” I nodded, hope rising inside me. “My bear and I agree that there are pups in your future. The Luna will bless you with them. It just requires patience.”

Blake pulled me against him as tears flowed from my eyes unrestrained. “Really?”

“Really!” James said excitedly. “We think it was having a couple of heats close together. Especially since they were because of a bonding. Your wolf has been trying to heal that part of you instead of waking.”

“Do you know why his last heat was shorter?” Blake asked, “because the first was pretty much two days, but this one was a night.”

The healer thought for a while before answering. “Likely because they were pretty close together. Days apart?” My head was against Blake’s chest, so I couldn’t see what answer he gave. “Having them close together will have prevented the second one being as long. Still very effective in terms of your healing. I’d prepare for an extended heat when you fully bond. It’s likely that you won’t have another heat if Blake has to mark you again. Your bond seems more stable this time, so another marking might not be necessary.”

Lifting my head once I got myself under control, I gave my mate a smile and Blake wiped the tears from my eyes. I kissed him quickly in thanks and turned to my friend’s parents. “I’m so grateful you could come and check me over. You’ve given me so much hope.”

“Yes, thank you so much. If you’d be willing, I’d like to speak to your alpha about our omegas getting the extra medical care they need. Would that be something you are interested in?” Blake asked Aldrin.

The man looked taken aback. “Are they receiving medical care now?”

Blake looked despondent. “They are, but at the hospital, under the doctors and healers there. I really believe that a shifter healer would be better for them.”